No Appetite Day After Century

Rode a solo century yesterday, lumpy terrain, no real climbing (2700 vert total), at around a .7 to .75 IF. Only real hiccup in the ride is I totally f#%&# up on hydration and had to deal with some cramps at the end.

Usual appetite last night, scarfed a whole pizza, but today literally forcing myself to eat. No appetite whatsoever. I’ve never experienced this, any thoughts on what could be causing this?

I struggle with the same thing, particularly solid foods after a big day, especially a very hot one! Like doms, 2nd or 3rd day after i’m ravenous haha! Combo of exercise stress and prolonged dehydration isn’t good for anyones stomach. The sooner you rehydrate properly, the sooner appetite returns! A soothing smoothie bowl is a great go to (and ice cream :shushing_face:)

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Had the same thing happen after my century last year. Pizza and whatever else I could consume after the ride (it was epic) and the next day…at best a very minimal appetite. Two days post, eating like a fat dude at a BBQ. I wouldn’t sweat it and drink plenty of fluids.

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Kind of what I’m anticipating :grin:

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