I’ve been looking into app guided nutrition pre-during and post workout. However, I haven’t found any ready to advance the data from TR and telling you what to eat.
. I’ve seen some integrated with TP for example and ready to upload the workout but, as we know, that is something that would take a lot of time with TR workouts.
Does anyone have some experience with this?
Any app that would take over the nutrition?
It doesn’t take much time, frankly. You can plan the workouts in TP (day/time, duration/IF/TSS, take averages from similar workouts for IF/TSS). Use templates in TP for TR endurance 60 min workouts, for example. Then have your TP plan automatically imported into Hexis (link: hexis.live), for example. Works like a charm. It’s really good. But it’s just really easy when using TP, i.e. mirroring your TR plan in TP. I thought about how to best achieve this but eventually ended up to pay for TP subscription simply for having the simplest way to get my nutrition right. I don’t only do TR but three other sports planned separately as well. I use TP just as a data hub and master-plan, but not for actual workout structure (TR is good enough on its own, I reckon). Good thing is that all completed workouts (like from TR, Garmin, Ergdata) that are getting imported into TP will automatically find their way into Hexis as well. Perhaps, Getfuelin is an alternative to Hexis but I haven’t tried it. I find Hexis is great.