Proper TrainerRoad and Zwift integration [Feature Request]

Definitely unpopular to me. Because I think Zwift’s workout player is miles ahead of TR. So many more features. Quick skip, pausing the workout without pausing riding, having the entire workout targets in view. I can’t go back to TR’s workout player after using Zwift. It’s like going back to mechanical after using electronic groups. The only downside to complain about is the 5W increments but let’s be honest, you’re telling me you can tell the difference between 2W? Let’s get real here.


Yeah, it’s not bad, honestly I feel like it’s so much easier mentally to hang on to the end of a hard interval when you see those arches approaching, that alone is going to reduce the number of workouts I fail. A couple things missing for me are the ability to rewind a workout, and I really wish they made the Kickr Climb respond to grade changes in erg mode, but other than that I haven’t found much to complain about. One killer feature IMO is using the companion app to control the workout; it’d be really cool if opening the TR app on a phone while the workout is running on a laptop or tablet turned it into a TR companion app, just to make it easier to pause/rewind/toggle erg mode, etc.


It isn’t just about sending the workouts to Zwift. There is communication that needs to happen between the two systems beyond just sending the workout.

Such as? Every other platform seems to function just fine sending workouts to zwift and receiving the completed workout back.


I’m also an engineer, there are many moving parts and questions ,
1 what if garmin goes the route of Strava with there api ?
2 what data does zwift get access to ?

Could this flexibility in Zwift be causing TR issues when analysing the workout afterwards?

Does it in effect become an unstructured outside ride if you free ride before a workout, add a longer rest/skip a period, etc, etc.


I’ve been wondering this too. The sending and receiving are probably easy, it’s the analysis wrt AT/PL’s that gets tricky. All the same issues as an outside ride.


Maybe that’s one of the reasons TR to Zwift hasn’t happened yet. Xert and Join may have the ability to analyze Zwift rides/workouts as they do outside rides. Since TR still doesn’t have full integration or analysis of outdoor rides in AT, it’s limiting the full integration to Zwift since the Zwift workouts would be processed sort of like outdoor rides.

These are my personal pro’s and cons of the Zwift and TR players - they relate to me only - other opinions may exist :slight_smile:

Bear in mind that my current setup allows running Zwift side-by-side with TR smoothly and easily…

TR Pros

  • The blue graph - I love being able to see the whole workout at a glance - easier for me to interpret than the numbers down the side of the screen in Zwift. The graph in the Zwift companion app is too small to achieve the same thing.

  • Superior Smart Trainer Control. I use kickr+assioma pedals in ERG mode all the time. Excellent experience in TR but in ZWIFT the response to changes is slower and I sometimes experience wattage floors meaning that I need to change gear.

  • Popups at the end of intervals telling me how I’ve done versus the target.

  • Opens up and starts a workout a few mins faster on my desktop PC than Zwift. Partly loading times - partly more options and screen to get through.

  • Can enter Zwift events whilst running a TR workout.

  • Handles busy workouts well - busy workouts with many steps are a complete mess on Zwift. (I like busy workouts sometimes).

TR Cons

  • I honestly haven’t found a feature on another player that I truly miss (doesn’t mean that there aren’t missing features that others want/need).

*The “bring your own entertainment” concept isn’t for everyone?

Zwift Pros

  • Arches can be a great motivation factor.

  • Ever so slightly easier to run than running TR and Zwift side by side) - but getting TR up and running is so easy and quick that the extra work is negligible. I usually get started on TR and then go through the Zwift setup during my warmup.

Zwift Cons

  • ERG control not as refined

  • Busy workouts messy verging on being completely unfathomable.

  • I see the arches as finish lines that I want to coast through - no good when you are just dropping from a VO2max into a long high threshold interval :sweat_smile:

  • The instant post workout analysis not detailed.

Again those pros and cons only relate to me. If you don’t use ERG then lots of points are mute. Someone above mentioned being able to pause the workout but keep riding on Zwift – that’s not something I have ever even considered being useful but it will be important to some people.

And if your setup doesn’t allow running both side by side nicely and you enjoy the Zwift distraction (as I definitely do) then obviously the Zwift player is the only option. That’s why getting this integration released is important.

But i’m happy as I am for now :slight_smile:


There it is.


Yup if this was a “half implementation” that was only the export to Z for workout player, but still treated incoming workouts to TR from Z as “outside workouts” without the same level of integration as native TR workouts… I would expect instant pushback. It’s actually an issue I pointed to WAY back when this all got started. It all ties in with their WLV2 direction and other integration that was in motion before the Z announcements. Levels of complexity well above others as we’ve mentioned and at least part of the reason this is taking longer than other options.


Just jumping in to let you know that nobody is dragging their feet on this. It’s our #1 priority right now.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:


I don’t like from the zwift player that you can’t go back to repeat an interval for example.

In the TR player you can go back but all data from that point is erased.

In the Xert player you may go back and all data is preserved in the activity file. I wish TR implemented this possibility

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we were told January and it looks like another let down.When can we really expect this?days,weeks or months?


Yea, it really comes down to personal preference. A lot of the pros for TR for you I see as a con. Same for Zwift. Like you like blue graphs of TR. I prefer seeing the numbers like in Zwift. The blue graphs for me are almost useless because I can’t tell what they are other than above, below, or at my FTP. I like knowing the exact target wattage. You like the busy workouts that TR. I personally hate those to no end. And the big one is just running one program instead of two. It’s just simpler than running TR and Zwift together. I don’t have to worry about various connections to each program or what app is connected to what device. Just one app to open and run. One ride file to deal with after. Plus I ride on a Zwift Ride so controlling the workout with the shifters is really nice compared to a keyboard or remote.

But at the end of the day, it really comes down to what device, workout player, etc is going to make it easier to complete the workout. So it’s good to have options.


See that’s a huge drawback to me. Like an instant no no. You’re going to just erase the data and act like it doesn’t exist? Nope.


No, it’s really not.

I do all my workouts outside of the workout player and associate them with the prescribed workout and it works absolutely fine.


How are outside TR workouts analyzed differently than if they’re done inside? I thought the current hang up was analyzing unstructured outdoor rides and how they fit in with PLs etc. not actual workouts.


We stated that January was the goal, and it was, but software development is never as linear and straight forward as one hopes. Both teams are doing their best and it’s our top priority, but it wouldn’t be responsible of me to share a specific date.

Just know we are working hard on it and, like you, we also wish it was out in January :slight_smile:


Associating with a ride and actually analyzing the data are two very different things…which is the point some of us are making.