This might be very straight forward. I’m 162 lbs/73.5 kgs. So, rule of thumb I’ve heard is around 1 g per 1 lb/.5 kg. That puts me about 162 g per day or around 40%. As the calories increase, I’m assuming the need for protein increases. The minimum calorie base for my size is around 10 calories per lb/.5 kg, around 1620 calories. So, for example, including an hour workout this morning with my base calories, this takes me to 2252 calories and around 223 g of protein.
My questions, does that protein path sound around right? I over think things a lot, go figure. Just trying to make sure I hit the right amount of protein in my diet.
I guess where I’m heading, if you could call it a curve, protein increases as your calories increase in response to the workout.
Yes, takes a lot more work and planning trying to hit the right protein, not so much carbohydrate with the remaining of fat to sustain or loose weight.
I don’t think I’m eating nearly enough protein then. I’m 54 in a couple of months and I average about 1g per kg body weight. That’s maybe where I’m going wrong.
How the heck can you eat 200g of protein a day? Impressive!!!
I make home made greek yoga, go through about 3 lbs of turkey a week, kidney beans and protein bars. I’m still lacking, I hit around a gram per lb with no problem. I’d have to add protein powder to kick it up a notch and go beyond that 162 grams. I’m 51 but I’m fairly fit and of course, active.
I use myfitnesspal as a template for meals, it’s a guideline. So if I do an 1100 calorie workout, add that to the base 1620, that’s 2720 calories. The calories deficit would have to be made up, so my split is kind of 40% protein, 25% fat and 35% carbs.
I’m three years older and as we age the body needs more protein. Last summer I started paying closer attention to protein intake. We’ve always eaten a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables (carbs and carbs), in addition to lean meats and protein rich greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Although I decreased the number of hours cycling last year, it seems that increasing protein intake allowed significant gains in upper body strength (big 1RM jump in bench press, lat pulldown, and cable row). Now I’m remediating knee issues by focusing on the posterior chain and recently have added over an inch to my legs. The gains have been mostly hamstrings/glutes from deadlifts, and now quads from goblet squats and dumbbell step ups.
Excuse me while I head downstairs for my mid-morning snack of cottage cheese and berries
I started this thread because I’m always fine tuning my diet. I have a cup of coffee before I hop on the trainer, not sure if I’ll kick coffee but that’s another subject. Then I’ll do the scheduled ride for the day and then follow with around almost 1000 calories, 27% protein. Now, I just burned 611 including the yoga I did. So, I’d imagine I can’t survive on the original 1620 or I’d turn hangry. So make up the calories. Now, I’m trying to keep the carbs down, so I keep to my original 40% protein, 35% carbs and 25% fat. I scheduled my meals for the day, I meet the 162 grams of protein but that’s it. It should be higher than that due to the 611 calorie burn and I don’t want to consume too much carbs, still trying to shed a little weight or just drop the body fat honestly. (I know, not much at 162 lbs, 5 ft 10 inches but it’s amazing what you can hide)
I thought normal protein intake was 1g per 1kg of body weight. I think I have read 1.2-2.0 per kg of body weight as optimal which would still be under the 1g/1lb described.
Protein for well seasoned athletes is very important. We just don’t process it as well as the young riders. If you target an upper end of 200gm and lower around 150 gm with the higher end for more intense workout days. 200 gm a day is a level recommended by a number of strength coaches I know who specialize in senior athletes (= Not yet)
Just keep your protein target range constant 150-200 gm/day and make up the calories with carbs. If you use grains and such you’ll pick up some protein along the way.
@ExpertOrBust I think that’s a good plan. I’d need to hit another roughly up to 50 grams on the day of rides. I was thinking the same thing.
@bbarrera protein powder to make up a quick 24/25 grams in a shake in the morning would help make up quite a bit of the protein difference.
I’ve always been on the fence of multi vitamins, etc. I did a marathon in 2015 and always thought about supplements for joints, etc. (run for four hours, 26.2 miles and you think about knee supplements at the age of 47 and never ran over 8 miles before this) Now that I’m full force into the cycling and shooting for 60 to 117 mile rides (longest ride in the past was 77 miles), I rethinking vitamins, supplements for joints and making sure I hit the protein which will probably include protein powders.
In a separate TR thread discussing protein, @carytb posted a great video of Dr. Donald Layman, discussing optimal protein intake.
According to his study, optimal protein synthesis occurs when 30grams of protein and 3 grams of leucine are present per meal. He also states, If your ingesting 20grams or less per meal you are only taking in calories with no added benefits.
I found the discussion quite informative and for my part, I’m enjoying much better recovery between hard workouts following the 30grams of protein and 3 grams of leucine per meal.
you can only absorb 20g per hour so I wouldn’t go overboard; just make sure you get the 20g after a hard training session, as well as replenishing your glycogen if you have another hard or long day ahead.
most athletes get enough protein just by eating a balanced diet. I’d be more concerned with getting enough good carbs before big events and carb loading than my protein intake. Many athletes are undernourished and it hurts performance.
okay, I want to update what I posted for my meals just to emphasis how much protein per meal:
63 grams for breakfast
44.5 grams for lunch
39 grams for dinner
That is 146.5 grams per day, balanced at over 30 grams of protein threshold.
I watched Dr. Donald Layman’s video and I found it very informative. The key things I believe I took away from it were:
high protein, low carb
balance protein between meals
30 grams of protein is a threshold to be met, so a minimum of 90 grams per day
leucine for breakfast which is highest in whey (this is very key component per his discussion)
increase fiber and berries
(I’ll have to watch again to see if leucine is important for each meal, I caught it was most important for breakfast, first meal)
What I’ve gathered and you’d have to listen to the presentation for yourself. I’m right about on target with the base of around 1 gram per lb/.5 kg
it does not increase or need increases with exercise but you have to meet the 30 grams per meal
Excess protein becomes calories
I think in a nutshell, thats all I can remember off the top of my head. I’m really leaning towards whey protein now for breakfast based on this presentation and tweeking my diet a little more.
He did mention that bananna’s were not the best. I’ll have to watch again for the reason… I eat one a day…
This article from the acsm quotes 60 grams for 165 lbs/75 kg and increases as your old. Tosses out the window what Dr. Layman has to say.
The .8 to 2.5 grams per kilograms if I did the math correctly is 58 to 183.7.
I had one local opinion, just an opinion from a body builder, yes, not a cyclist that suggested at least 1 gram per lb/.45 kg. So the top of the above suggestion.
I remember the food triangle from the late eighties emphasizing grains and cereals. I have no doubt that’s when obesity started to explode. One key thing they mentioned was staying away from fats and proteins. (from the 80’s).
Since Feb, my volume has dropped significantly from ~15hrs/wk to ~5-6hrs/wk. Overall, I’m eating less. But one thing i immediately dropped was the daily post ride protein shake. Even so, I’ve gained ~1kg since Feb. (too many scones ). If you’re eating a balanced diet, short of the high volume plans, you more than likely do not need the extra protein. Too many calories, protein or otherwise, is going to become fat.