Ride Fast, Eat Trash (Gas Station Nutrition)

I have no idea what the hell that is, but my god it looks delicious!!!

It looks like something a sugared-up 9 year would make after mixing all the drinks from the soda fountain into a single 32 oz. cup and drinking it in one go, like a shepherd’s pie made out of candy. That’s some serious mad genius stuff.

Lol. I thought it was a burrito with beans and corn and was thinking “that’s healthy, not trash!”

Thanks to those of you who clarified! Now…I want one.

Found these delicious Mexican treats. So damn good.


Beaver tails are a Canadian thing. It fried dough with a choice of different toppings. Cinnamon sugar is a good one. The one in the photo has pb, Nutella and some Reese pieces. As a diabetic the only time I can indulge is on the bike and I have this one long route I’ll do and if they’re open - I’ll indulge.


Utah has these “Utah Scones” that are basically plate-sized fried yeasty dough cakes covered in (cinnamon) butter. I would compare them to Navajo Tacos if you’ve ever had those. Looks like Beaver Tails are the folded up and coated with sugar bombs. :smiley: Yum!


Beavertails have their roots in bannock which is pretty much the same as Navajo tacos and frybread.

All are so effin good.

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Yesss, that’s right, I used to see these when I worked in Calgary. Well, they would be in Banff on the main street.

Fry bread, that’s the term I was looking for.

Keegan Swenson showing how it’s done with trash.

Sunday stroll with the boys :ok_hand:t2: | Ride | Strava

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Pringles always hit the spot for me on longggg days :pinched_fingers:


Albanese Ultimate. If you know, you know.


I have a compulsion with tiny things that have 8 different flavors to taste each individually - I would end up with 2g carbs per hour. :joy::joy:


This thread has me Googling Kendal Mint Cake for shipment in the US.

It’s a sugar mint cake we used to eat on hikes in England. It’s an original eat trash, ride/hike/climb/run fast food:

“Romney’s Kendal Mint Cake was immortalised in history on May 29th 1953 when it was carried on the first successful summit of Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sirdar Tenzing.”

I did actually eat it on my two bike everastings.



Growing up in England, another one I used to pick up from a roadside van on the Saddleworth moors was flapjacks. Not pancakes, but these linked below.

Never had commercial flapjacks before, only roadside and homemade.


I had a trash find on Woot the other day. Twizzlers Pull and peel 4lb for $30. They’re individually wrapped, but 3 of them have about the same calorie & carb as a serving of gel blocks and a hell of a lot cheaper. Also can be found at gas stations.


Just glad it wasn’t Red Vines!!

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These are pretty easy to eat as well. More so than regular licorice.

Today was my first ride in the world (non trainer) with them. just cutting into thirds isn’t good enough, I think I’ll peel them apart to make the bits a little smaller. That said, 39g of this is a LOT to get into one’s mouth, so probably not wanting to do it all at once. :smiley:

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I’ve cut them into cubes. Makes them super easy to chew.

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How did I not know about these? Bite sized poptarts!!!

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