This particular thread bonfire was constructed by @IvyAudrain All I did was light it.
WAY more useful info than the watts saved by using oversized jockey wheels.
I will also admit that my doing so is 100% out of selfishness as in mid-October I’m doing a 222 mile gravel race in Southeastern Minnesota. I KNOW that I’m going to have to eat some trash, so knowing what works for my fellow cyclists, helps me steer clear of questionable items.
I posted what I suspect to be the 222 mile route over on the Midwest area Events thread, but have not mapped out Casey’s or Kwik Trip on it yet. Good call out.
I’m more partial to a coffee or ice cream shop but at the same time I’m more than okay with a canned Starbucks caffeine/sugar bomb and snickers bar to get me back home. It’s one of the few times I can eat garbage and not feel guilty.
In today’s Podcast, Ep 377, Keegan mentions stopping at a gas station and eating 1000 calories of junk. (He didn’t explicitly say junk, but it’s a gas station, so he’s not talking about getting Maurten bars there…)
Now remember, fueling with trash is a trained skill just like any other on bike talents. You cant just upgrade your delorean with a mr fusion for free, you gotta put in the work.
Start off small with some 30 30s. Thats 30 seconds at vo2max followed by 30 brownie M&Ms.
From there you can progress to higher octane sugar, with a goal of being able to eat a warm krispy kream glazed, without ruining your bar tape, every 20 min. 3x20 at 90%
Finally, you are ready for the advanced class to support ultra distance. This means you are gonna need some fat in the mix, which obviously means pizza. Not good pizza, the trashiest garbage pizza you can get. A real winner would do 20-30min of tempo up to the local little caesars. You are gonna need to order a large hot and ready, but ask them for the oldest one they have. You know the one with the pepperoni starting to just ooze grease. You have to eat 3 pieces as you sit on the curb like the trash panda you are working to emulate. wrap the other 5 in foil and pocket them. Now its time for 5x5 vo2max with a grease bomb between each. complete this challenge and no distance will be out of question. contracts will pile up in your mail box. Lachlan Morton will be reaching out to you for endurance tips. This is the way.
Wow, that was interesting to watch. I wonder when the big switch to better nutrition and hydration occurred with team cars? I mean 1962 wasn’t that long ago. I would have thought they had that figured out by then.
Nothing like a cold beer (or bottle of Champaign) on a hot day in France!