I’m doing a 100 miler on Saturday, and usually take things like fig rolls, flapjack, banana and a few gels, but the issue is that I get sick of eating sweet stuff on the bike.
Does anyone have any decent recipes for savoury foods that are easy to eat on the bike?
I wouldn’t over look the macro profile of whatever you settle on.
Switching from mostly wholefood carb biased on-bike sources to savoury items which are likely to have a higher fat and lower carb content is fine but something to consider.
Haha I used to work for the company who owns the Peperami brand, I think even our most enthusiastic marketeers would never expect someone suggesting it as an exercise fuel
The only sports events we sponsored were Darts
Back to the OP questions - rice cakes all the way. Bacon/maple or tuna/soy sauce for example.
I’ve taken to starting longer rides with turkey or chicken sandwiches (on granary bread) as the food for the first hour or two. I keep meaning to try making savory rice cakes (have the rice ready to go), but the sandwiches are a lot less faff tbh, and I think a decent mix of carbs and proteins.
I then switch to homemade GCN Energy Bars once I’m ready for sweet.
There appears to be some evidence that protein is beneficial in the first few hours, and it’s part of what Science in Sport did with Sky for Froome’s Giro attack.