Should TrainerRoad link up with IndieVelo

Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere.
Since I started using IndieVelo I’ve been thinking perhaps TR and IndieVelo could join forces and work together. In a recent youtube video by Smart Bike Trainer this concept was mentioned. Interested in hearing what other TR users think of this.

Stay safe

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At risk of being accused in negative vibes: no, I don’t want TR team to spend their time and money to integrate with all the bells and whistles hanging around. Please keep focusing on making me faster, I’ll figure out how to entertain myself (thankfully, that’s not a tough problem to solve in 2023).


I’ve used IV once with TR in mini mode overlay. IV was OK but didn’t blow me away. I maybe should have let IC control the trainer and it might have been more immersive.

Probably would but I probably wouldn’t use ERG as its useless on the Elite Suito. I think I would use it like I used RGT in the past, in simulation mode and varying my cadence/ gears.

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Yip, I think like a lot of folk the shutting down of RGT had me looking at IV. I wasn’t blown away by IV on first use but that’s only first impressions. I need to revisit IV probably in sim/resistance mode before I make a decision on it :+1:

Yip its that bad, the Suito is terrible for ERG. Its fluctuates badly from max resistance to no resistance, I found my self injuring things until I switched ERG off. But size wise/ portability its great for me as I posted in the best trainer for a small apartment thread. Used on resistance/sim mode its’ great. :wink:

If there was a bundled price then I’d be all for it. And if unstructured IV rides were factored into AT I’d be all for it.

i don’t think this is a good fit. From the video, the developer of IV is focused on racing credibility and ride physics over visuals. I don’t see that prioritization being the best fit for TR since you are working out, not racing, and physics don’t really matter in a workout, and visuals are the thing that might matter the most when you are trying to distract yourself from a hard interval. If TR was going to go after Zwift and change their business model, then maybe this is a good start, but they don’t seem too interested in that, so this would be a no for me.

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IndieVelow’s website states specifically that they are focused on the racing aspect of it. I also read somewhere that the developer / team built IV mainly due to the many instances of Zwift cheating…


How did you make it work?

I have tried in the past but it seems like, at least with the Kickr Core you link both power numbers and the control of trainer power target.

I kinda been wanting to do this just to have some dumb avatar on the screen when I want some entertainment, but the workout is too hard to focus on a series or youtube video.

Ive not got access to my set up at the moment but I think TR is started 1st using bluetooth to control the trainer and both TR and IV share (read from) the ant + power meter

IV’s latest update email mentions their rider count has doubled recently.
Zwift price increase reaction?


Probably. No clue what their subscriber numbers are? 10k? 100k? Regardless, the more platforms with enough subscribers to create competition for Zwift, the better, IMO. Not that IV is there yet but people checking it out is good

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Given that IndieVelo now syncs Humango AI workouts and how many athletes like the distraction of a moving landscape, how difficult would it be for Trainerroad to send your workout to Indoevelo. Since Trainerroad can sync with a head unit I don’t think it’s more than a couple of lines of code. If Humango can nail the workouts, and they probably have already, then Trainerroad would do well to take note of the ability to push workouts to the likes of IndieVelo more generally.

TrainerRoad is going to do that for Zwift. But I can’t imagine indievelo is high up on their priority list.

Oh are they. Wow! Where have TR said that?

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Latest indieVelo update

“ indieVelo now supports controlling the resistance of your trainer by third party applications. This is perfect for compatibility with TrainerRoad, BeatBiker and other such workout apps enabling you to enjoy the best of both worlds riding your favourite workouts within indieVelo.”

Obviously not direct integration with TR but sounds like adding the ability just like with Zwift to allow indieVelo to just read power and have TR control it


Indeed. I have done just that and can confirm that it works a treat.

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It’s worth signing up for indieVelo if just to receive their Beta Trial new feature emails.
Today’s included this:

The first big event to use [DIY custom] jerseys will be the indieVelo Grand Tour starting this Wednesday (25th September) with 6 stages, including a prologue, running through to this Sunday (29th September). This event will feature an overall GC winner, women’s GC winner, age group GCs (under 23, and over 60), best sprinter, best climber, overall team competition and Lanterne Rouge. The event is being organized and run by indieVelo community member Thomas Launois, and prizes are sponsored by Matisseo courtesy of another long time regular rider Stéphan Brachet.

A huge thank you from me [George Gilbert] to Thomas and Stéphan. To find out more and join the 100+ riders already signed up to ride, see their online Roadbook.

I did my first ride on IndieVelo yesterday and I was wondering if it might be worth creating a specific topic to discuss it (IndieVelo, not integration), as I didn’t find one.

I was surprised and will use it way more than I thought I would. The integration with is cool and works smoothly. Workout mode is a bit polluted, but I can change it on settings, not bad.

The physics seems better than zwift, and there was a bunch riding at about 170w (170 for me) really cool, lots of people. I don’t know if bots, but it was s a really big one.

For being free, it’s a hell of a good “game”.