Soft flask for viscous nutrition?

Anyone have a recommendation for a soft flask for my preferred race day nutrition: fresh ground almond butter. It’s pretty viscous and gooey and won’t get through a bite-valve or traditional liquid valve. Something with a pop-top wide-bore lid would be ideal.

I just can’t get on board with eating almond butter for a race.



Haven’t used it myself, can’t comment how well it may work:

But agree with @Neuromancer comment, almond butter doesn’t look like optimal quick energy source (fat 68%, protein 23%, carbs 9%)

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What use is your FTP, Mr Bouq, if you are unable to breathe?


Sparked a thought for me of biscuit spread though!

I can’t really think of a reusable container for almond butter except maybe the reusable baby pouches. Simple Modern Disney Reusable Baby Food Pouches for Toddlers | BPA Free Plastic, Food Safe, Freezer Safe | Refillable for Applesauce Yogurt & Puree Squeeze Pouch | 10 pack | 5oz | Disney Princesses : Baby
I’d probably stick with the pre-packaged almond butter if that was my go to ride fuel.

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170ml almost fits 3 never 2nd gels.

I use the GU soft flask. I only use SIS or Neversecond in them cause they are much thinner. Even the GU gels are way too thick for them in my opinion. I would think almond butter would not work so well.

I’m not going to use almond butter, but does anyone have a recipe for a DIY gel? I love my DIY drink mix, but I’d like to do a gel mix in a container like this as something different than just a high carb drink

Hot water and sugar, 3:4 (you will get 57g of carbs in 100g of this mix), stir, pour into container. I use 250ml soft flask.

Discussed here. My go-to.

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I put Gu in the 170’s 4 regular Gu, then one liquid to get the viscosity down.

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Try the Flow Formulas mix. Mix with warm water shake and ready to go and taste great.

I use 1-2 soft flasks (150ml, amazon) for very long rides. I get 160g of maltodextrine dissolved in water in each one of them (with a pinch of electrolytes).
I either use them for my drink mix or consume it directly. Used to mix it with fructose, but can‘t stand the sweetness…