Trainerroad with only outdoor or zwift workouts

I am new to TR, evaluating it (and some others) for a training tool. I ride either outdoors, or zwift, so need a platform that can analyze rides that aren’t done directly with TR. I want to follow the training guidance, but none of my workouts will be with the TR app. Will TR work for this? Hard to tell reading the existing forums. (would be even better if you could export TR workouts to Zwift, which from Youtube is coming, but not there yet) It doesn’t take into account training history imported (in the first few days I am at progress level 1 across the board, despite training history that shows in the app)

on the last point, not sure I care about what they say training progress is, but want a training program that meets my historical efforts, not starting from zero

One option, you can run TR and Zwift simultaneously - TR Controlling the trainer and the workout, while still having Zwift up for whatever course you choose.

TR also reacts pretty quickly once you start training - just use workout alternates to throw in one higher Progression Level workout, and if you manage it without difficulty it bumps you up to that progression level.


not going to do the “both at the same time stuff” A lot of training is outdoors. either works or doesn’t. Zwift is the same as outdoors from a HR and power perspective.

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TR will release a Zwift Implementation this month. you will be able to push TR workouts directly to Zwift with this new release.


IMO it works great. Nowadays I only do outdoor rides and MyWhoosh (free) rides and all of them get synced to TR; my last real TR workout was almost a year ago. Once a month I use the AI FTP feature to ensure that my training zones are correct.

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How do I benefit from syncing my non TR rides/workouts to TR? I started a plan ~6 weeks ago but up to now have mostly done outdoor rides rather than the specified workouts due to amenable weather. I get the red or yellow warnings, and maybe a slight modification to a couple of upcoming workouts but beyond that, is there anything? Also, when I started the plan, I had uploaded my recent history with a good amount of current riding, yet the plan started off very easy and gradually ramped up over 6 weeks more to where I felt I already was at the start. I may be missing something, but it doesn’t seem as adaptive as I expected.

To get the most from the system, you need to push your TR workouts to your bike computer if your preference is to ride outside.

As noted above, pushing TR workouts to Zwift directly is supposed to be coming shortly. IN the meantime, you can push your TR workouts to your bike computer and have that control your trainer while you just ride in Zwift.

If you want to ride outside / on Zwift and you aren’t going to push your workouts out of the TR app, then there is no reason to use TR.


Yes. That’s doing the same workout as in the plan, just outside, not doing something different. That should require no adaptation of the plan (assuming it was executed properly/successfully). I was hoping for adaptation that accounted for rides being significantly different from what’s in the plan, and an accounting of the effect of those rides. That doesn’t seem to be there yet, at least AFAIK.

Anymore, I’m mainly riding mtb and gravel in hilly terrain and don’t try to do structured workouts outdoors.

Even if you are not doing any TR workouts outside or in TR/Zwift/MyWhoosh, you can still use the Trainerroad to analyze your workouts and calculate the FTP.

I live in Florida and do most of my riding outdoors. I have power pedals (favero) and rollers for indoor rides. I use TR to train both ways; on a laptop with the rollers indoors, and pushed to a wahoo for intervals on the road. It’s a more or less perfect set up.
Not sure about getting progression levels from previous unstructured rides… Maybe that comes out with progression levels V2 if that is ever released. But you can always just choose a workout, and then give the subjective feedback (survey) afterwards to set your levels. Sometimes if I feel that a workout is too easy, I’ll just sub in a harder one and let the AI adjust the rest of my plan accordingly.

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How do I do that in TR? I did a ramp test 7 weeks ago and have seen no change up/down in the FTP indicated in TR. My Garmin shows changes.

I think the Trainerroad people can better describe the requirements for using the AI FTP, but here is some basic info:

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In the app it says you need 10 indoor trainerroad rides to auto detect FTP and in that help article says the same thing. So no auto detection if you don’t directly user the Trainerroad app.


Yep. I had AI FT detection enabled since I started a plan 7 weeks ago. Like mcleanjx said, if I go to Account, Detect My FTP, it says, “AI FTP Detection needs 10 recently completed indoor TR workouts…” and I’ve only got 9.

The intro to “How to Use AUI FTP Detection” says, “AI FTP Detection looks at all your training—Indoors, outdoors, structured, and unstructured— to understand your fitness and detect your FTP…” How does that figure in with needing 10 recent workouts? If I complete 10, will it then start using unstructured riding to calculate FTP?

The request doesn’t make a lot of sense. If you don’t want TR to give you workouts, use to keep an eye on your fitness and form, eFTP etc and save the money.




They want to follow trainerroad workouts and have it analyze their outside rides without having to use the app for every ride. TR would still give them workouts like normal. Seems rather reasonable to have.


Fair, I misread the original request as just wanting the analysis, RLYL etc.

When you do your Zwift rides, are you following the TR assigned workouts? I’m asking because you said you do most of your riding outdoors, but you don’t want to follow TR workouts outdoors, so I’m trying to understand what your goal is in using TR. What do you want to get from using the system?