I can’t find the answer in my forum searches… I know the podcast talked about it some time ago, but I also can’t find that either.
I’m just looking for the effects of training VO2 at 120% versus 110% or any other percent in the VO2 range. Does it really matter what percent I’m at as long as I am hitting the physiological response?
The lower the %, the longer it takes to reach VO2max, thus an overall decrease of time in zone.
As for me, I’d rather hit the target watts and reduce overall interval length to 2.5 minutes from 3 min. I feel I still get the “minimum effective dose” that Chad mentioned in recent podcasts while burning fewer mental matches.
I don’t get same mental effect if I decrease % and stick to 3 minutes. YMMV.
Well for starters % FTP for vo2max workouts is highly individual, unlike using % for workouts below FTP.
So right away it’s hard to say what the impact is for YOU at this particular time. For example there have been times when 112% gives me a strong stimulus, and other times like this spring I used 122% for 3-minute vo2 intervals. At least for me it’s both trainable and depends on current fitness level.
Basically, VO2max is a physiological phenomena, not a power target; thus training by power is less accurate than training by physiological metrics (HR, inspiration), which are a bit more accurate.
Unless you’re hooked up in a lab, you’re not going to know your exact %FTP when you enter VO2max; 120% is used for a general population average.
Prescription to cure this conundrum:
Start hard enough to jack up your HR, then ease off the gas a bit so you don’t blow up, hammer until the end. Rest. Repeat.
Yeah, I think there’s enough individual variation with v02max that your best bet is just to base your adjustments off feel/experience. A properly executed 3 minute interval is fairly unmistakable, so I usually just try and pinpoint the “hello darkness my old friend” moment.
If you can’t complete workouts I would adjust them down a few percent for sure, but I wouldn’t be doing so with the aim of making them more comfortable or less fatiguing. v02max intensity is by nature a pretty unpleasant experience.
For example, back when I was racing and being tested regularly, I could get within about 5% of my apparent genetic maximum while never training above threshold.