We're going to change how we sync workouts to other platforms

As some of you might have seen, we’re working on syncing TrainerRoad workouts to Zwift.

Once we have that ready, you’ll be able to do TR workouts on:

  • TrainerRoad
  • Zwift
  • Garmins
  • Wahoos
  • Hammerheads

How it works today is that you can create connections to those platforms and then choose what rides you want to do “outside.” Those get pushed to your connected device.

Those rides get this green background

With the way it currently is, you have to plan ahead, and it’s a bit confusing about what’s synced to your device.

So here’s what we’re building for the new way.

Step 1 - Choose your training platforms

Any platform you have connected to will automatically get today’s ride synced to it—no need to plan what is inside or outside.

On the calendar, you’ll be able to verify which rides are synced to your devices.

If you add a workout, you’ll get a little loading state while it syncs, then confirm that it’s hit the training platform you’ve connected.

I think this makes everything a lot easier. You can wake up and decide to do your planned workout on TrainerRoad, Zwift, or outside on your Garmin without having to do anything.

The planned workouts clean themselves up over time, too, so you won’t just end up with a huge library of planned rides that you might not be doing on one device.

Step 2 - Do your workout
Zwift workouts (and all other workouts) will also automatically come back into TrainerRoad, and you’ll still get the blue graphs showing what you did, plus a Zwift map.

We’re currently working on this; it will most likely launch in January.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments!


Just as long as TP workouts still sync to TR as they currently do and I’m happy.




Love this! Nice change.


I’m assuming that some platforms (like Zwift) will get their workouts with distinct power targets, instead of power ranges (like Wahoo). Any chance we can get a single power target on Wahoo, instead of the target power range?

I understand the logic you put forth when outdoor workouts were first implemented, but I still prefer to just a single power target when doing outdoor workouts on Wahoo. Its just easier to read on the head unit.

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Yes, you’ll get an exact wattage in Zwift.


This is great news! Thanks! Will you be able to dynamically sync workouts from the workout library? So if you aren’t following a plan, you can select one from the library and sync it over to Zwift?

Will there be workout text displayed in Zwift as well? Such as the optional drills and other advice to get you through those intervals.


Yes. Note that he didn’t mention a year :wink:


Yeah, just drop it on your calendar, and it will sync over instantly!

Basically, anything on your calendar will sync with all training platforms.



Sad Matthew Mcconaughey GIF by Legendary Entertainment

(I literally just watched that movie yesterday, so that shot immediately sprang to my mind. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Yes! Im not a big fan of how it’s displayed at the moment (it covers part of the road). I’m going to see if we can move it lower so you can still read it but not cover the road as much. I might crash. :pleading_face:


Any chance we could get an option for exact wattage on Wahoo headunits too?

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Is this likely to head on over to Mywoosh?


Currently some of the “outside” rides are slightly different to their “inside” versions - is that still going to be the case?

Could we also get the workouts sent to Garmins with the “target type” set to “3s power” rather than the current “Lap average” so that the default workout screen on Garmin head units looks nicer? :slight_smile:

Im not sure. We did it on garmin because it would beep at you a ton if you didn’t nail the wattage, so we did a range. I don’t know if the wahoo implementation is because of the same issue or if wahoo handles it better.

Can you let me know?

Zwift will be exactly the same.

Please right down all the issues with Garmin/Wahoo outside workouts that we can fix and we’ll get the list together and work on it.

Im writing down the “target Type” 3s power thing

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Actually, let’s do another thread for that.


It’s come up a few times - latest here - Garmin Workouts: Send 3s power to data screen instead of lap target


The seamless integration with Zwift will come in January, but in the meantime can we do a workout “outside” connecting Zwift?