What are your unpopular cycling opinions?

Sky’s out, thigh’s out!


That’s not how they are designed to work, and all that demonstrates is that the helmet failed.

??? That is exactly how they are designed to work…they are essentially “single use / crash” products that are designed to absorb the energy of a crash through compression and cracking.


They don’t do anything for the culture of the sport, they just sell basic, expensive kit, stole my friends videography work and just market for ‘the dedicated road cyclist’


Not really, the same way a barrier on the side of the road is not meant to split in half. they are designed to compress to absorb impact, but not split in two.

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:eyes: :eyes:

Nope, cracking just shows the forces exceeded its design and tested speck which is forces generated at 12 mph or less onto a flat surface with no other vehicles involved.

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Most yellow bikes are ugly.

Bright yellow and red - to be ridden only if your name is Ronald McDonald.

Bright yellow and green - take your John Deere bike out to the back field and shoot it.


Yeah, when I bought a red bike, it didn’t occur to me that I was eliminating both green (Christmas) and yellow (ketchup and mustard) from my kit. I know people get bored with black, white, and blue, but there’s something to be said for colors that work with everything.

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True, until you do MTB…

I was a runner, cycling is definately much much harder than running but its the knees/body that limit you from being a good runner whereas with cycling its volume/time!

You could be a decent runner at 6 hours a week or a medicore cyclist at 6 hours a week!


Again, this is incorrect….while helmets are not designed to always crack, that is part of the the design function once they reach a high enough load. That is why the original soft shell helmets had Lycra covers and current helmets have the micro shell (And now internal roll cages)

Helmet design carries a balance between protect and weight / size. There will always be impact forces that are too great for a helmet to sustain intact. No one wants to ride around in a motorcycle helmet, so secondary design considerations are implemented.

The first line of defense is the compression of the styrofoam….but eventually, cracking is inevitable.


Full Rapha and S-Works makes you look slow and inexperienced… A simple kit like DHB and a GOOD/decent bike with a PM and I’ll assume you know what you’re doing…

Ofcourse if you’re a pro and it gets given to you its a different story…


Those without a current or recent active TrainerRoad subscription shouldn’t have such strong opinions on AiFTP and other TR software features.

Questions, concerns; sure.


Instead of being upset that someone slower than you has a nicer bike than you you could spend less time cycling and more time working so you could have the bike you are so salty about.


Absolutely correct. And by cycling less, you too could be slower!



I like seeing nice bikes, there is a couple that I see at a local group ride and they both have s-works bikes and I love it. For the record I’m not fast and I have a bike that I love but it certainly didn’t cost 10k.

I love seeing nice bikes and nice gear. I’ve found $3k to be good value for the money for bikes but would love a $10k bike.


People cycling in jorts and tshirts bragging about passing someone wearing comfortable cycling clothing on a nice bike aren’t sending the message they think they are.


Or work less, get faster and save your money? Seems like a win to me.

Cycling Marketeers really got us in a twist, selling us slower bikes for more money… I think relatively experienced cyclist would recognize this and buy a bike that actually performs well rather than has an expensive price tag but no taste or performance…

I wish people that wanted to start cycling didn’t feel obligated to enroll themselves in having to ‘look’ the part and abide by the velominati rules…

I am not salty, I just think it enforces cycling’s elitist principals…

The Velominati Rules are chuffing ridiculous.