What Beer are you enjoying?

Got this for Christmas and bottling in a few days, an interesting experiment to see if MrBeer can make me an assistant brewer :joy:

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Yea it’s time consuming, I started as a home brewer and was brewing every weekend I “once had” so much beer bottled and kegged that I didn’t brew or buy beer for 3 years I was giving it away to friends for any occasion and I couldn’t even keep up… but then a good friend who I met home-brewing opened a brewery and I started as an assistant when he opened. Did that for awhile then I moved and I’m looking for a brewery to work for now. I consider myself a jack of all trades a brewer bike mech I also worked PT in a shop and a home builder I biilt home and commercial properties for a living while raising 3 highly active boys under 12. When I brewed at home my kids would help me brew and they know there way around a brewery.

That sounds like a dangerous job :beers:

Hazard pay :wink:

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Well, it smelled like beer during tonight’s bottling. Now its wait 3+ weeks to find out if I’m an assistant brewer to MrBeer.


I love any Belgian Lambic, Gueuze or Flemish beer. Anything by Rodenbach or Leffe is great.

I am enjoying Lupulin Brewing’s Hooey

A couple of new beers last night…

Pig’s Mind Brewery Bitch Slap Red Ale - nice malty flavor with a bit of a coffee finish. Don’t find many red (or brown) ales these days and it was quite good.


Then Mikerphone Brewery Mikerphone Drop DDH Pale Ale, which was damn good. This is about the 3 or 4th beer I have had from them and they have all been excellent.

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Achievement unlocked. I’m now an assistant brewer :beer:

Not tonight, but will be trying it. Tart cherry, coffee… Recipe could’ve been developed for @Nate_Pearson


Easy 2 hour spin outside and then I ended up here:


No Show Jones IPA.

I’m going to be honest, having a new microbrewery a 1 minute spin from home could be dangerous :scream:

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A few buddies came by last night. We tried a few beers. Things escalated pretty quickly.

Breweries include
Tupps Brewery
Odd Muse
Celestial Brewery
Ingenious Brewery

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Old School for the win! Think you should have made a couple more tiers and put that can at the top of the pyramid :beers:

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I love Toppling Goliath beers (out of Iowa), but this was just gross…look at that color! :face_vomiting:

This beer from them was MUCH better.

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Second Fiddle DIPA from Fiddlehead Brewing in VT. Great double IPA

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Really enjoyed this one today:

At Great Basin Brewing in Sparks (Reno), NV.

Finished my last Treehouse I shipped to myself a couple weeks ago when visiting my parents.

DC beer scene is improving but still not great. Happy I can occasionally order tired hands or have my dad ship trillium and treehouse.

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Moved from the west coast(SF) to DC as well and was immediately disappointed in the beer selection/scene. I’ve come to be okay with it and its gotten a lot better.
I’ was basically going with light beers on the weekdays and a nice IPA on the weekends. I’ve always scoffed at people who give up beer during racing season (life is too short to not drink beer) However, Lately though i’ve really been into Athletic Brewings selection and have been noticing an uptick in my numbers and a down tick in my weight. I sampled them at a local race and really like them all. They have .5% alcohol so you get a very slight buzz which is i enough and they pair well with any meal. Tough to find but you can order online too.


Something to read when we are enjoying our beers:

hmm, stopped reading when no actual beers were being discussed. Like the Yee-Haw Blackberry Berliner Weisse I had last week.

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