What Beer are you enjoying?

1st beer in 4 months. Someone gave this to me after the Rule of 3, but I wasnt drinking at that time. Put them in my cooler for the 18 hour drive home and they’ve been sitting in my garage fridge since. Cheers!


It’s good, but the dog and I are exhausted.


La Lupulosa IPA from Cerveza Insurgente in Tijuana, Mexico. Tasty.


Beer for the Top Shelf from Off Color……a Vienna lager w/ Maple Syrup added. I’m not a huge lager fan, but this was delicious. They syrup brought a lot to the beer without making it very sweet.

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When you’re on the wagon you make some sacrifices. This though isn’t too bad and the price was right.


OMG…Old MIldoggy is such a horrific beer that I can’t even imagine a NA version!! I mean the only reason to drink that swill is to get the alcohol!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Uh…right now no beer (it’s 10:15am) :grinning: But I love that 120 IPA. It’s expensive but a great brew. And more potent than most wines and (the internet is saying) 450 cal/12 oz!!!

Goodness. I drink quite a bit of NA beer, but old Milwaukee has never made it to my stomach. Do you have a total wine around you? They have a pretty good NA selection

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Haha, I probably do but if it’s not along my daily route I probably wouldn’t go out of my way for one. There were other choices such as Sam Adams Just the Haze which is pretty good, I could have held out for some Athletic Brewing which is the standard now. I just kept seeing that big 12’er for $11.99 and thought I’d give it a shot. It has a good mouth feel - bubbly, light lager taste, and is low in cals at 58. I’ve definitely had worse NA beer.


Am I the only one here that thinks non-alcoholic beer is actually extremely good these days? I currently have some Athletic and Guinness non alcoholic.


Surely you can’t be the only one, but I’d rather drink Kombucha! Less than 0.5% alcohol and it tastes better than NA Beer IMHO.

In fact I just finished one as part of my pre-ride ritual.

I’ve always been afraid to ask. I always thought it was ‘high’, but not knowing means I (you) don’t know. I did hear that a can of Oberon is just over 300 calories. I seem to be only capable of a couple before I’m out for the season. But anything ‘hazy’, or fruity will likely be chocked full of empty calories due to the juices and sugar(s) that are dumped in to make them taste better. Just means ride more.

That 120 is super powerful. Consume in moderation.

Athletic Brewing has an IPA that really is not at all bad. Surprisingly not bad…

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For those of you looking for NA options, the hot trend right now is Hop Water. Lagunitas just introduced a bunch of them and they are extremely popular around Chicago.

Lots of other options are coming up, too….I haven’t tried one yet, though.

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Pretty sure they re-opened their taproom again finally this year. Cool spot if you havent been.

Hop Splash from Sierra Nevada is great but I don’t understand why. If someone asked me if I wanted a beer flavored La Croix I would definitely say no. Will have to keep an eye out for these.

Athletic Brewing has some great stuff and some stuff that is just okay. I love Golden Dawn, Cerveza Athletica, Run Wild and Free Wave. I will drink them along with regular beers so I can drink four or five over an evening while only actually drinking one or two beers.


I forget the name…but I really like their stout. I usually see the run wild at stores though so I just get that.

It’s funny…I found Athletic at a tent giving out free cans at a mountain bike race. Had no idea it was NA until I came back for a second one :joy:

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I had Suped Up from them and it smelled amazing but was pretty flat/boring to drink. I think it was coffee infused so I was hoping it would be like Wake & Bake from Terrapin. To be fair the Terrapin was very high alcohol so it was probably unreasonable to expect it to be similar.

Spotted caw to get me through the days right now. I enjoy this brew, try to pick some up if I am in Wisconsin.


I almost always get into trouble when I say this, but Spotted Cow is over-rated. it is a good beer, but nowhere near its reputation.

Their Moon Man Pale Ale is far superior, IMO.

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