What Beer are you enjoying?

New Modern Times Hazy DIPA… went down nicely while watching World’s 4/5★


Maisel & Friends “Royal”. Interesting, not bad. But less hoppy then their other Pale Ales.


Not enjoying: Lagunitas ‘IPNA’. ‘Full hop flavor’? They missed it by a bit.

I was carded too because ‘it does contain some alcohol’: 0.5 or less. But they have to do what they have to do… Law enforcement has been cracking down on stores not carding, and people straw buying for younglings.


I miss their ‘Tropical Torpedo’. Whatever happened to it? Wow… It was, from memory, a really amazing IPA. I haven’t seen it in years.


Stopped in at Corridor Brewing before seeing Springsteen last night at Wrigley. Their flight is pre-set, so you got what you got. Luckily they were all excellent!!

The Banana Stand was the one that surprised me the most….I don’t like Hefeweizens / wheat beers, but this one had a distinct Belgian flavor to it and was quite enjoyable.


You drank all that BEFORE a concert? :open_mouth:

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Yeah, that only amounted to about a pint and a half. They were just 4 oz pours.


I was gonna say! :smiley:

They look deceptively bigger :slight_smile:

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I did also have this beauty at the world famous Nisei Lounge right before heading into the show…and yes, that is a shot of Malort on the edge of the pic. IYKYK. :crazy_face:


website says tap only but it from 2018 origionally isn;t it?? Tropical Torpedo - Tropical, Fruity IPA | Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Has it been that long? It must have made a really good impression then. Hmm… Yeah, it was really that good, IMO.

I had a beer ‘tasting’, and they brought out those little glasses. I commented ‘Is that a taste, or a tease?’ Some laughed. ‘Oh, we’re hoping you will buy a case of what you like and take it home!’ the attendant said. Well, yeah, but that size glass is good for a smell, not a ‘real taste’. :smile: :roll_eyes:

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While in Phoenix area last weekend, had this local beer

malty and tasty.

And something from the tap with a handle labeled “Boom!”

the restaurant’s private labeled IPA. Also very good.


For when Hamms just doesnt give enough of a dirty feet taste :joy:

There will be no Hamm’s slander in this thread….don’t make me flag that post.

There will be no further slandering of Hamms as long as you agree to cease slandering the goodness that is a well crafted Mexican lager, with lime, of course


I think my dad liked Hamms. But he also liked Old Milwaukee, and when Consumer Reports named it ‘best beer’, he had to rub it in. I mean as if their opinion would matter. Well, for beer… They aren’t always right. IMO… :roll_eyes:

Did I slander one? I don’t remember….I might have. :man_shrugging:

but I am not against a good cervesa w/ a lime on a hot summer day. It just isn’t my first choice. :wink:

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Hamm’s was the beer we drank my last year or two in school, so it is a nostalgia thing mostly for me……but it actually a pretty damn good “standard” beer. Definitely my choice before a Bud or anything similar.

Old Style and Pabst round out my Top 3 “standard” beers.


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Lol. Not going to lie, I drank an awful lot of $1 cans of Hamms at the local dive bar when in college.

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