What Beer are you enjoying?

Top 3 standard beers is a good topic.

I suppose Modelo would be on there…we’ve gotten a case of that to drink the 7-11 parking lot like teenage delinquents for years after the fast Wed group ride.

Probably Old Style and Corona to round it out.

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In college when you were accumulating debt. My memory is pretty foggy

but I vaguely recall Leinenhugels or Strohs or Old Swillwaukee or PBR or some random Wisconsin beer being the cheapest beer in the 80s, in da yoo-pee of MI. Something like $5 a case. Ya sure you betcha.

Omg just remembered what we bought in desperate times when our wallets were almost empty:

We always said Goebels with a fake French accent!

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“Zhoubel…zee fine French import”

Said in your best / worst French accent.

A truly vile beverage.


I was a decade later. Strohs, Huber Bock, and Leinies were like $8 a case lol.

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My dad and I never had ‘the beer talk’. Well, or the ‘woman talk’, or really much of anything. He wasn’t that kind if guy I guess.

He did like Hamms, but then changed to Pabst, and the Old Milwaukee. I never knew why, and was stuck on Olympia (Oly) at the time because that was what I could get without a license (after the age went back to 21). Come to think of it, he didn’t talk about much. He thought I was a hippie at one point in my childhood, and I was ‘tolerated’? Sad, but…

I didn’t even know what his ideology was until I asked my brother. Did surprised me, and was not at all what I thought he was. Weird how you can not know somethings about your parents. He had good reasons, as if he needed them for being what he was, but… Oh well…

I did steal one of his beers, and went back to Oly. Mom was into ‘Cold Duck’, and ‘brandy’, and it made my sisters sick so they should have stuck to beer. :rofl: :upside_down_face:

In college, Coors had come out with their ‘Part Ball’. I actually found the old party ball tap in my mother’s squirreled away booty from our past lives. The wife actually found it and wasn’t sure what it was. Took me a few seconds to reach back and drag that up. It was a good idea, and I think a couple of other beers came out in it (all related to Coors, of course) but that was then, and now you can get a ‘mini keg’…

Speaking of which, I had a mini keg of Bell’s Hopslam. Someone asked who I had to kill to get one. I don’t think they have ever done one since, sadly. THAT is some hoppy oat soda, for sure…

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I went to a big 10 school, and there were almost more bars than students. (Only partially underestimating the number of bars) and there was a plethora of ‘cheap beer’ that was drinkable to be had. Heck, I went into a beer store and there was a whole huge actual keg of Miller Genuine Draft. I could see people wondering if they could grab it and make it to the door before being dragged to the ground.

But one store had ponies and other small (large) containers of a lot of interesting brews. And then the industrial drinkers ruined it for everyone with a couple of alcohol assisted riots. Crazy… They got draconian on anyone buying anything remotely resembling a keg, or even more than 2 cases of beer. I imagine people saved some money back them. :man_shrugging:

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I declined the Big 10, sorry Wolverines, and went to the arctic tundra. #2 in D1 college hockey my freshman year! Thankfully, early in my college career I was dating the president of a sorority, and all the frats thought I belonged to a frat, so I got into a lot of parties for free and drank a lot of free keg beer :muscle: That and walking a mile to Jim’s Foodmart on early Saturday mornings collecting Michigan 10 cent CRV bottles to raise money for Saturday beer and steak :+1:

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Michigan republicans tried to kill the bottle bill and were stopped after people realized that it was Michigan’s most wide spread social welfare program. Thousands (and thousands) or people actually were able to survive off of the money they received by collecting bottles. Not sure if that’s actually true, but the bottle bill survived. I learned to never return bottles on a weekend, or Mondays as there was usually someone with shopping carts full of bottles and cans trying to return them to offset that nights celebrations. Some frats were actually combing the area around campus for returnables and the people that collected in those areas complained about the competition. It was discovered that people actually were contributing to the issue by deliberately tossing their returnables in those areas for the collectors to retrieve. It made returnables an odd statement, that many people avoided thinking about.

I don’t think it’s helped all that much, now many years alter. I still found empties in my yard. And their bill not covering water bottles and of all things spiked cider containers was a missed opportunity. Who in Michigan politics had such a strong connection to the then immature spiked cider industry. Hmm…

I thought it odd that California seems to do returnables by weight? (I have wondered what would happen if someone put an unopened can of something in a bottle return machine. (This calls for some research I think!:sunglasses:)

Goff’s, Schmidt’s (both long gone), Meijer’s, Tom’s, just some of the stores I remember at the time. Now there seem to be so many outlets. I visited campus last year, and was amazed at how much had changed, and yet, eerily, how much has stayed the same. Old haunts gone, and new chains inhabiting other remembered locations. Progress… They have a Whole Foods, TWO Meijer’s, and a ginormous Costco, yet the malls are both dead, and half of downtown seems to be high priced ‘student condominiums’ (not kidding).

Republican Governor Milliken was the driving force behind the 70s bottle bill. Nice guy, I met him back in the day. I don’t remember if he liked beer :beer:

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‘Beer is proof that god loves us, and wants us to be happy’?

Oh, but :flushed: : Did Ben Franklin Say 'Beer Is Proof that God Loves Us and Wants Us To Be Happy'? | Snopes.com

But cross-training has to be good for the liver…

Two Hearted, to honor the ongoing Michigan discussion


Double Two Hearted is out now.

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Nice refresher for this Fri-Yay afternoon.


Just bought that the other day. Looking forward to quaffing it…


New German Beer Hall about 15 minute walk from my house!



My first Atomic Torpedo…

Fantastic! My new favorite Sierra Nevada beer!


Glad it wasn’t just me that enjoyed it, I tend to find strong beers sometimes have the flavour masked by the booze, not his one!! Funny we get the pint size in the UK only!! (in a US can, imported directly!)


Right? Took the first sip and couldn’t believe it was 9%. Took another and another, it was simply a really good beer without the taste of booze. This is one of the two or three best beers I’ve had in the last year.


yea was my first 4 score on untappd this year I think!