šŸŽ‰šŸ“†šŸŽ‰ New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)šŸŽ‰šŸ“†šŸŽ‰

Weā€™ll take a look. Very few athletes disable Adaptive Training, so it makes sense a bug could slip by in this scenario. Thanks for pointing it out!

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FYI: I clicked ā€œnoā€ on the pending adaptation, so the warning is no longer showing up

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Any update on the IOS version? I donā€™t have a laptop just an IPad.

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For now, the team is prioritizing bug fixes and feature completion for non-mobile device screens.


Added this to our list of to-dos. Iā€™ll update the known issues list later today and post here in the thread.

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We do have a number of known issues relating to editing recurring activities. Itā€™s unclear to me whether the behavior youā€™re seeing is caused by one of the already-known bugs, but our engineers will be looking into those this week and will get it sorted. Thanks for reporting!

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Great suggestion, thank you.


And busy on adding the Teams (or other ā€œshared workoutā€) support, as enquired about above, @SeanHurley ? :wink:

This is an oversight and not an intentional omission :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. If you are member of a Team and use this feature to sort workouts, you should have this filter in the workout drawer. As youā€™ve surmised, this is no longer a widely-used feature, but for those of you who do use it weā€™ll add the filter to the drawer.


Iā€™m adding this to the list of issues to investigate with recurring activities, which weā€™ll begin digging into this week.

One interesting thing for me about opening up the new calendar to Early Access has been learning about features our athletes use that I didnā€™t even know existed, and this is one of them. That manual entry ability on the old calendar really is quite nifty! Iā€™ve added it to our list of future improvements.


Thanks - that will put a few minds at rest, for sure, mine in particular.

I realise that Teams all looks a bit old hat, a previous dip into social-like features perhaps, but this ā€œLibrary of Custom Workoutsā€ feature that it provides us is really valuable and useful.

Could you consider simplifying & repackaging Teams into something just focused on that function, ie. as repositories of shared Custom workouts? And then one day maybe add a simpler, platform-independent workout creator? This would be a useful thing!


Weā€™re continuing work on performance this week. We have an improvement in the pipeline now that specifically targets the case you identify (when the calendar is full of notes and activities).


Is this still occurring for you? I havenā€™t been able to reproduce it and want to verify that itā€™s resolved.

@SeanHurley no its not, I donā€™t really know what happened, but it does do it any more.


Current Known Issues and Recent Improvements (Updated 9/30)

The calendar beta does not support small mobile device screens, but it may work for some tablets in landscape orientation. It does not yet officially support non-English language settings.

Current bugs and needed improvements our team is working on are listed below. This list is not exhaustive and doesnā€™t include all small items and edge cases.

  • General Performance
    1. Chrome-based browsers (including Chrome, Edge, and Brave) can experience degraded scrolling performance, especially when the TSS graph is open.
    2. Clicking ā€œView Calendarā€ on other athleteā€™s Career redirects to own calendar
    3. Resizing the window can jump to different days or cause a white screen
  • TSS Chart:
    1. Future TSS trendline is missing
  • Calendar days
    1. Second activities on the same day sometimes show less information
    2. TSS is not displayed for some non-cycling activities
    3. Rest Days are not clickable
    4. Recurring activities canā€™t be dragged and dropped if start time is set
    5. Recurring activities may save on wrong date after edits
    6. Recurring Strength training activities show zero duration
    7. Some triathlon plans show zero durations on Swims
  • Adaptations
    1. Adaptations may persist after deleting a training plan
    2. Suggested adaptations can cause a display bug for calendar in the background
    3. Red Light Green Light adaptations may appear when Adaptive Training is turned off
  • Right-Click menu
    1. Changing color of annotations is very slow
    2. Items canā€™t be right-clicked immediately after adding to calendar without clicking elsewhere first
  • Week Totals column
    1. TSS and Duration from some activities are not currently included
    2. Swim distance is not currently included
  • Drawer
    1. Training Plan volume displays incorrectly for 2- and 4-day training plans
    2. Training plan names may not update after being edited
    3. ā€œTeamsā€ workout filter is missing
    4. RPE response canā€™t be changed from the drawer and may display incorrectly
    5. Rides without power lack expected notification banners
    6. Drawer may display wrong title for associated outside ride
    7. ā€œAssociated workoutā€ item needs bug improvements
    8. Completed activities associated with events show incomplete drawer.
    9. Custom notes are missing and canā€™t be edited
    10. Start Times canā€™t be manually entered in 24h format
    11. Drawer closes less smoothly when clicking X than when clicking out

Recent improvements and fixes over the last few days:

  • Began implementing performance improvements for Chrome-based browsers
  • Added right-click capability to Training Plan annotations
  • Enabled drag and drop for Strength Training activities
  • Added the ā€œSource Workoutā€ item to completed TrainerRoad workout drawer
  • Enabled training plans to be edited from a button in the drawer
  • Improved display of new activity types on the calendar
  • Added a ā€œview detailsā€ button to the planned workout drawer
  • Fixed a bug in which runs and hikes were misclassified as ā€œOtherā€
  • Fixed a bug that caused the TSS chart hover to get covered by some calendar items
  • Fixed several bugs with the workout graph in the drawer for completed walks
  • Fixed a bug causing the wrong workoutā€™s details to be shown when selecting Alternates

Coming soon

This week weā€™re focusing on performance for Chromium-based browsers and looking into some nagging UI bugs. We have a number of fixes nearly ready to roll out, including:

  • A combined edit drawer for activities associated with events
  • Performance improvements to the Move, Copy, and Delete week quick actions
  • Fixes for missing TSS and Distance in the week totals
  • Improvements to bugs relating to stage races
  • Missed Survey notifications

Thank you all for your continued feedback! Keep it coming!


On my calendar today showed normal RLGL on the webpage calendar until I opened the iOS app last night. Then RLGL changed it to a yellow day.

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Thank you for reporting this! This was likely an error with something syncing from the app, rather than a new calendar-specific problem. But no matter what caused it, we definitely want to fix it, and an engineer is taking a look right now.

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@SeanHurley - any update on whether or not Strength time should show up in the right hand summary? See the below screenshots where at least for me, the right hand summary isnā€™t showing Strength.

More Generally:

  • The calendar recognizes the following activity types: Run, Walk, Bike, Strength, Yoga, Pilates, Other
  • The right hand summary only shows total time for: Run, Bike, Other
  • The right hand summary doesnā€™t show total time for: Walk, Strength, Yoga, Pilates - is this expected behavior? Bug? Work that needs to be completed?