🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Those activities’ time should be included in “Other”. Run, Bike, and Swim should get their own specific line items. We have some ongoing work in progress on the week totals column, and I’m waiting for it to be completed before auditing whether additional work is needed, but I’ll make sure everything you’ve noticed here is included within that work.

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Interesting that Strength doesn’t get its own time summary given the work to build out this functionality.

More generally, from the Users’ (at least this user’s) perspective, there is a UI / UX disconnect between seeing something categorized in the calendar (e.g., Walk, Yoga, Pilates, Strength, etc.) vs. seeing an “Other” workout, but having all of these then show up in “Other” in the summary.

That’s a fair point, and definitely something we’ll keep an eye on as a potential bit of confusion. We need to balance that with the risk of expanding the calendar rows for individual sports that many athletes don’t need to track from week-to-week with that level of granularity. I appreciate the feedback very much!


This brings up another question: What is included in the TSS graph at the top? Is it only Bike TSS? If not, then would be great to have a way to set it to show only Bike TSS

Right now for me, the only thing I’m seeing that is contributing to TSS is bike. But not sure if this is something that is specific to the way my non-bike activities have been sync’d to TR or not.

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Non-bike TSS should be displayed in the TSS chart, and hovering over the week columns should show the breakdown. A filter for this is something we’ve heard requested before, and is on the list of potential future improvements. Here’s a week where I did a small hike, which is contributing 25 TSS.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 10.27.42 AM

I checked out some older dates on your calendar that include walks. Walks don’t automatically get TSS assigned, which is why they aren’t showing up on your TSS chart. If you add TSS to these activities, you’ll see them appear in the TSS chart.


Thanks for checking. I wasn’t sure if TR would automatically calculate a hrTSS for non-bike workouts or not.


Hi, possibly related to this, a ‘save on wrong date’ also seems to over-write an existing associated activity, at least partially.

Steps where this was created

  1. Oct 2 Outdoors ride was ridden
  2. Oct 2 Standalone Workout added and associated (Skali)
  3. Adaptations were prompted for the Oct 3 TR plan created ride.
  4. Adaptations accepted to change Lazy Mtn -1 into Lazy mountain

Behaviour: Lazy mountain appears both as an updated workout for 3 Oct and on visible on calendar for 2 Oct. Refreshing removes visibility from calendar, but Lazy is now partially associated with the ride on 2 Oct. The workout title is still Skali (what it should be), but all other detail for the completed workout looks to be overwritten with the next day’s planned workout.

Found a bug where I try to put a plan phase starting next Monday 7/10, and it defaults to today 2/10.

Also when can I change the date format to be a logical format :wink: (Or can you at least support locale)


Appreciate the note, we are working on a fix for this now!

This is a good point! We support different date formats if you pick a language other than English, but we don’t offer any non-US English settings. This would definitely be a nice upgrade for us to implement in the future. Although, I think we can all agree that Month should come first :yum:


Strange bug and great catch, thanks for the detailed repro steps. Can you clarify if this was a recurring activity?

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Hi, I’ve updated the steps to clarify, I believe the Lazy Mtn was a plan created ride, and the Oct 2 ride was a single. Although a recurring with the same name did previously exist on that date, and was deleted.

I’ve just noticed that there are two instances of this ride in the system, is that expected behaviour?

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Cancelling my subscription for that heresy :wink:


I dug a little deeper into this and I think you actually encountered a bug. The date format should be determined by your browser settings, not your Account language setting. We’ll look into it!


I guess here are 2 bugs:
Did a run Oct 1 that got associated with the planned run:

Bug 1: picture is wrong. Should be a shoe not a bike.
Bug 2: 7 TSS is wrong. Should be either the planned TSS or the actual set TSS for the run.

When I manually add strength training to calendar I can’t mark as completed in the process of adding. Need to add first and then reopen and mark as completed. Is that by design?

Good catches, we’re doing some work on associating non-cycling activities right now and this looks like some stuff that snuck by.

This is a very good point. I bet it’s really common to add a strength training or other unstructured activity after the fact, once it’s already completed, and the current flow isn’t ideal for this. We’ll discuss this with the team tomorrow.


The strength training has passed me by a bit, I just tried to add strength training to the calendar to try and see what it is about and I just get a blank screen :slight_smile:

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Despite being from Australia which uses d/m/y, I’m personally in the y/m/d camp. Big endian makes more sense to me, despite typing this on a computer with an Intel processor. The mixed-up endian m/d/y makes even less sense. :laughing:

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