🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

We are looking into this now!

I’m digging into this today and the bike image here is a simple bug, but I’m curious about that 7 TSS. I resolved that issue for you (it’s now showing the planned run’s TSS, as intended) but I’m curious about where this 7 came from, as I can’t currently reproduce it. Did you manually associate this recorded run with the planned activity, or did it associate automatically?

I love the new calendar


Me too!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I think it got associated automatically maybe after I set some difficulty to get the estimated TSS for the run.
IIRC at first I couldn’t even see any association or an association possibility anywhere when I clicked on the performed run. But only that performed run was on the calendar so I assumed that the planned run must somehow have gotten tied to the performed run.
I think after editing and setting the difficulty the association became shown…

Edit: Or maybe the difficulty was preset from the planned run (?) and then I set it forward and back and that got things rolling…

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If you have a planned run on your calendar and then upload/sync a run on that day, it’s expected behavior that it’d be automatically associated with the planned activity. This is the same way it works if you have a planned cycling Outside Workout on the calendar. The actual TSS from the imported activity should override the estimated TSS from the planned activity (which is happening here) so I believe that’s working as intended. The team is looking into that mistaken (and mysterious) display of 7 TSS. Thank you for the additional info!

I have a guess…the 7 TSS came from the difficulty rating 7 (Hard).


That sounds like a very, very good guess—in fact, we were able to confirm it as the source of the bug. Want to join our test team? :wink:


Of course :slight_smile: . If there is something before early access like a beta test group, put me in it :+1:. Glad I could help and you could fix the bug.

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Not sure if related but just did a strength session and now getting this error

Looking into this for you now, @cassinonorth!

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Disregard, it was my work network blocking something. Sorry!

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Aaaah no worries! Thanks for letting us now :+1:

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I have had a few occaisions now where I have a outside endurance ride in the calendar, then go out and do the ride but it doesn’t automatically associate the ride I did with the planned ride. Is it supposed to happen and if not is there a manual way of associating the ride?

This has been happening to me for the past few weeks too. I’m not sure if it’s because I rode harder than intended, or just a bug.

Yes, you can open up the ride and use the “Match” / “Associated Activity” section to select and make the match.

Thank you, I can see now how to associate the ride.

Enjoying the new calendar and new training plan system. Love the flexibility.

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When I manually complete a recurring strength workout it changes into a completed bike ride.

(on MacBook using Safari)

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I can reproduce this, too. Thanks for pointing it out! There are a few bugs with recurring activities waiting to be fixed, we’ll add this to the list.


Love the calendar. Have suggestions.

  • Can you re-order workout difficulty in the filter to match the structure of the workouts tab? Mirroring between both is generally better so I don’t feel lost
  • Copying strength training to a new date works but you can’t have that copied workout become repeating. You have to create the workout again and have that repeating.

Stoked to hear you like it! The filter reordering is a known issue we should be working on soon. Good catch on copying Strength Training activities… that’s an odd little edge case we’ve overlooked. Thank you!

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