🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Could be a bug:

You could say i’m an…edge-lord


We’re working on this one. :+1:

Got a double-header for the bug-exterminators today. :mosquito::cockroach: Possibly an early-access calendar bug &/or RLGL bug, or how the two subsystems interact. Anyway…

The pre-ramble :laughing: is I’ve got some intermittent rain forecast from tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon for about 48 hours, so I brought forward my threshold workout & run to this morning, & scheduled myself an easy social ride & 4h workout to put myself properly in the bin. Figured it’d be good to give my body something to recover from, & I’ve probably got two days off the bike to do so.

So the first bug… after today’s threshold workout & run, tomorrow is yellow (expected), & on the early access calendar I got an adaptation pending: RLGL wants to downgrade the 4h endurance workout to achievable endurance, but it’s saying that the resultant workout’s duration is zero. (See screenshot.) I’m guessing it’s saying I should train for a max 1½h (the duration of the recommended Brasstown -1), but I’ve already got 1h40’ scheduled which it doesn’t want to touch, & it looks like it doesn’t know how to recommend skipping the workout.

(I haven’t tried reducing the duration & TSS of the social ride to see if it generates a non-zero reduced time for the recommended workout because I wanted to leave it intact for devs.)

Here’s where there might be a second bug: I’m not on a plan; all the workouts & other activities on my calendar I put there myself, including Little Yellow which RLGL wants to adapt. I’ve never seen RLGL try to adapt user-scheduled workouts. Seems that the new calendar doesn’t yet inform RLGL about which TR workouts sitting on the calendar are user-selected & which are part of a TR-generated plan. And/or it’s invoking RLGL for adaptation without checking for the presence of plan-generated workouts.

Of course it seems plausible that someone at TR decided that RLGL should disregard whether it was a user-entered workout, but I can imagine this presenting difficulties for athletes who are working with a coach in person & using TR for its workout library & analytics. Or for someone scheduling their own private training camp.

For comparison, when looking at TR on my android phone (version 2024.38.0.92455), RLGL doesn’t try to adapt either of these activities, & neither does the old web-access calendar.

Do you have adaptive Training enabled? Key info as I’ve already flagged a bug that having RLGL enabled, but Adaptive Training disabled, still results in recommended adaptations with the new beta calendar- TR acknowledged this bug. Hence the question if you are seeing the same bug I did, or something new

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Ah yes, I see what you’re getting at. I missed the significance of that the first time. Yours also appears to be a case of RLGL trying to adapt a user-inserted workout. This post, I presume?-

I had it set up the same as you: AT off, RLGL on.
But just then I turned AT on to see what would happen.
It still wants to adapt my workout.
So in this circumstance, beta Calendar doesn’t care what the setting is for AT; RLGL still wants to adapt this user-inserted workout, which is inconsistent with other methods of calendar access that I have access to: old skool web, Windows app, Android app.

The other issue I see with mine is, why did it adapt down to a zero-duration workout?

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What happened to copying annotations? Did I miss something?

Not specifically the new calendar, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen two rest days suggested.

(I did do a 31 hour event without sleep on the weekend… so I can see the argument, lol)


This is not related to the new Calendar, and nothing has changed recently with Redlight Greenlight’s inner workings. You just really need some rest :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This will be coming in a future update.


Appreciate the reply! :slight_smile:

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You’ve got two different issues here. The first one is a purely visual bug: some adaptations are displaying zero duration. We’re looking into this one to see what the cause is.

The second one is, as you surmised, a result of having Adaptive Training turned off. RLGL does suggest adaptations for individually added workouts—it’s one of its key values for athletes who aren’t on training plans (and has been real help for me, personally, when not on a plan!) But since you have Adaptive Training turned off, it should not suggest these adaptations. The bug here, which another athlete reported earlier in the thread, is that RLGL adaptations are still getting suggested with Adaptive Training turned off.

This one is on the list to fix, but the number of athletes with Adaptive Training disabled is very small (most of you are probably active in this thread :sweat_smile:) so we’ve prioritized fixing more common and wide-reaching bugs first.


I seem to have the same problem today, I couldn’t change the workout properly to indoor so I’ve loaded the workout independently and tried to match it afterwards to the planned workout:


Sorry mum, I think I’ve made it worse :frowning:

Now it’s trying to adapt the completed workout…

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Is it expected behavior that clicking the Add activity doesn’t offer TrainNow as an option?
Selecting TrainerRoad Inside does not offer TrainNow either. I think that’s would be nice for anyone wanting to have TrainNow suggest their Yellow day endurance ride. I know TrainNow has remained on the left navigation pane but do think it would be nice to not leave the calandar.

Good feedback! TrainNow’s strength is in helping you pick a workout to do… Now (no pun intended). It’s less useful for scheduling workouts in the future, since it’s so dependent on your fitness and fatigue level at this exact moment. That’s why we haven’t initially added it to the drawer, which can be used to schedule workouts at any time. But I think you’re absolutely right—TrainNow is the best way to pick a workout when you’re picking one for today, and I’d like for us to incorporate it into the experience of adding a workout more seamlessly from the new calendar.


Not sure if this is a known issue, but I tried to right click and use “Copy Workout” on what was a Solo Ride. When I pasted it to the new date, it actually created a productive Sweet Spot indoor workout.

I think it’s probably because that’s what would have been in my plan if I hadn’t changed it to the Solo Ride, but if I’m doing a Copy, it should just copy what I’ve clicked on.

Interesting! We haven’t caught this one yet, thanks for pointing it out! We’ll take a look at it next week.

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I am enjoying the new calendar format and getting used to working with it. One thing that’s come up for me is that for the coming week there seems to be a disconnect between the TSS planned that is showing in the calendar vs what’s showing up, it ultimate corrects itself by the end of the week but seems to be a bug.

Do you have planned swims? We have a known issue where swims aren’t showing up on the planned TSS totals, and the fix should be in next week. If it doesn’t involve swims I’ll be interested to dig a little deeper.

Hi Sean, no planned swims, all activity is either through an indoor TR workout or through a ride. Rides are in the weekly plan and either a sole or group ride depending on the ride.

Hope that helps.

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