🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Is there a long term plan for swims and TSS? I don’t record it.

I gave up recording run hrTSS for a year in TR which now probably affects the custom plan calculator.


Two weeks from virtual race day, I moved my race forward a day and replanned the last two weeks - this week now has a lot of cycling and only one run (a good thing as I was recently run injured), but looks like a calendar error.

You might already know about this, but I didn’t see it on the list of known issues with the new beta calendar. When importing activities from Strava the images imported from the activities scales with the window size of the browser making the images look squashed, Here is a screen of how it looks for me this morning:

Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 09.25.45

Thanks for making a great app.

I checked this out and am seeing the same thing on both old and new calendars, so it’s not a bug with the new calendar. I will forward this to support for them to take a closer look as to why you’re not receiving more runs in response to moving your event.

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This isn’t unique to the new calendar; with the old calendar, too, we scale the calendar days to the aspect ratio of the display, and with very wide monitors you can end up with some very short and wide calendar days that make maps look odd. It’s not that common of an issue and it is easily resolved by resizing your window, so it’s not something we’ve put a ton of effort into fixing. But long-term we’d definitely like to prevent it from occurring and I appreciate the feedback!

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@SeanHurley I am still unable to drag Strength Workouts on the calendar to a new day (I thought I saw that you had a fix for this? sorry if I read something wrong above).

And then this morning I am trying to change the date of a workout and after saving the date does not change. This is a past ST from yesterday I am trying to move or change to today.

Are these strength training workouts part of a repeating series? We resolved an issue where strength training sessions couldn’t be dragged and dropped, but have a separate issue we’re working on now where repeating workouts of any type can’t be dragged.

The other issue you mention may be something new. I’ll take a look and see what I can find.

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Yes - I have my ST set up as weekly repeating series. I had to set up two different ones for different days.

Today I selected the option to change today and all future activities but no changes.

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I have a similar issue: the TSS shown on the bar chart at the top does not match with the one shown on the calendar week.
See picture below, for the week of Oct 21st the bar chart is showing TSS of 473 while the actual calendar is showing 665.
By the way, yesterday the values were matching…

I will add that it seems to be a New Calendar bug. If I switch to the old calendar, the bar chart will show correct values.

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I’m having this issue as well. Plus run TSS and hours aren’t adding up above, nor are strength time, etc… It started driving me nuts because I kept looking at the previous weeks up top and thinking I had missed workouts or something. I just reverted back to the old calendar until this all gets sorted out. I think the new calendar is going to be awesome, but it’s got some serious wrinkles to be ironed out.

This is why we’re in beta! These are actually all very small issues we’re nailing down right now- they may look big, but under the hood they’re almost all little fixes, and often obscure issues that have been hard to pin down until getting more athlete feedback. We’ve got a large team working on calendar bugs now, too, so you’ll see the pace of refinements accelerate.


@SeanHurley Sean, what are the chances of an update to address the font issue I flagged before, whereby I see less info in the Beta than under the old calendar (at the same browser zoom settings)?

eg. TSS for activities now not visible:

Beta Cal 2024-10-15

vs. visible on previous calendar:

Old Cal 2024-10-15

It’s really not obvious why it doesn’t or shouldn’t fit - eg. the “Duration” info looks almost identically aligned in both old & new, suggesting it should be possible - must be only a few pixels of padding somewhere in the new layout preventing it…

This has been in the queue of items to fix since you first reported it—we haven’t ignored it! We had to prioritize a few functional issues we’ve recently resolved, and this is now one of the next items our engineers will be looking into.


Not sure if mentioned/tracked already:
I did a planed run today and in the weekly summary the planned time is 0:00 but should be 1:30 as was my associated planned run. For TSS the listing is correct.
Run 1:24 / 0:00
Run 93 / 103

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Thanks, I can reproduce this one too.

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@SeanHurley et al

Its maybe only Altair but I tried switching it from an indoor to an outdoor workout and although the toggle changed the workout image (blue) refused to change to outdoor green and I couldn’t associate my ride. I ended up inserting a new outdoors version of Altair and deleted the indoor one,

Interesting, I’ll take a look.

Apologize if somebody’s already brought this up.
This is a small bug when I change the intensity on a solo/group workout: the drop-down list is “transparent”, behind the rest of the window.

Keep up the good work, the new calendar looks great.

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Hey there, is this one consistent for you every time? I can’t currently reproduce this one on my end. What browser/device are you on?