🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Not sure if mentioned - trying to add a plan clicking on a date does not keep date for start of plan. After navigating away to plan page you have to reselect the starting date - have to either remember or open calendar in another tab to check again. It would be nice if date was recalled and auto filled in start date.


It would be nice if date was recalled and auto filled in start date.

This one is on our radar, but thank you for pointing it out.

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Not a bug but a loss of previous functionality. In the old calendar I can click an upcoming workout, click on it again in the new pop up window, and that opens the workout in the Workouts library where I can see My Rides and All Rides. These links aren’t in the new drawer so have to manually search for the workout in the Workouts library to see my rides and all rides for that workout.

Oddly enough, the scrolling performance is degraded for me with the new calendar. If I scroll (in Chrome on Win 11) it scrolls a little bit then stops, lags a second and jumps down a bit. It’s pretty jarring.

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These links aren’t in the new drawer

Great feedback here. We should add a button on the planned workout drawer to open the workout’s details page, like we do with completed workouts.


If I scroll (in Chrome on Win 11) it scrolls a little bit then stops, lags a second and jumps down a bit.

I spoke with our engineering team on this. It’s caused by a performance issue in Chrome. We’re working on ways to improve it, but as a temporary workaround, try using a different browser (such as Firefox) and you’ll likely see much faster scrolling performance. Alternatively, collapsing the TSS chart should fix the issue as a workaround within Chrome.

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Feature Request: Refresh Calendar button. It would be really nice to have a button on the calendar to refresh the calendar view, instead of having it use the browser refresh button.


All of my “New Sport Types” activities (Walks) are still showing on my calendar even though I disabled the early access for “New Sport Types” in Early Release.

@SeanHurley also seeing that behaviour in Edge on Win 11. Collapsing TTS chart helps smooth things out.

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The fix for this one just went in and should be rolling out over the next hour or so. Let me know if you don’t see it fixed after that.

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This makes sense, as Edge is built on Chrome’s platform.

that’s it sorted now - thanks

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@SeanHurley - more potential bugs:

  • Right Click a note, and then select “Copy” doesn’t appear to work
  • Right Click a workout, select “Copy”, and then it appears you cannot cancel by clicking the “cancel” option in the pop-out (see below screenshot). The day behind the “cancel” option gets selected, and the workout gets copied to that day - does this make sense? Note: if it matters, the workout I copied, and then tried to not “paste” was sync’d from TrainingPeaks

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Both of these are known issues :+1:

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@SeanHurley Would be kinda cool if there was a panel similar to the TSS one but maybe on the left that showed current progression levels! Having to keep going back to the career page to see what level I am on and then going back to calendar to see the workouts is kind of annoying sometimes.


That was the #1 reason for starting this whole project. So if you’re not happy with the scrolling, let us know.

I’m happy with it now, but we’re going to be even happier once there are some more performance improvements in place.


@Nate_Pearson very happy with this new calendar so far! I’m happy you guys are always progressing with the software!



When you click on a scheduled workout you get the following screen:

Missing is the graphic display of the workout that would let you move the cursor for a quick display of what the workout is at that point:


The graphic with ability to move the cursor over to review the workout is pretty handy.


that does appear in indoor workouts on the calendar, just not outdoor workouts.