🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

We need it on outdoor workouts as well.


totally agree!


Thank you!!! The team worked really hard on this one. It’s surprisingly difficult to build a really good calendar with all these features.


@Nate_Pearson I just signed up for TrainerRoad a couple months ago after years of listening to the podcast, and I am super happy overall with the product, I have really progressed, as a junior mountain biker, with the training so far, and just won my first Cat 2 mens race!

Thank you for creating such an amazing product for us!

p.s. My fav feature is RLGL!


I record hikes each day using Strava. Just gone to the new calendar and all hike times now include total time, ie if I rest for 30minutes that’s now included in hike walking time. It didn’t happen previously.


hike times now include total time, ie if I rest for 30minutes that’s now included in hike walking time.

We have a known issue with hikes and walks being misclassified on the new calendar, causing this to happen. It’s in the queue to fix!

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Same thing with Brave browser - scrolling is very laggy and jumpy. Empty parts of the calendar (no workouts, rides, events, notes) scroll a lot smoother than those weeks that are populated.

Ah right, thank you!

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Same thing with Brave browser - scrolling is very laggy and jumpy.

This makes sense, Brave is also built on Chromium. Try collapsing your TSS chart for now and you should see an improvement. Meanwhile, we’re going to prioritize the chrome performance updates this week and see where things stand after that.

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Can you expand on what problem this feature would solve for you? Any edits or updates you make to items on the calendar should automatically refresh things anyway—our goal is that what you’re seeing on the calendar should always be up to date. There are a few situations now where known bugs or incomplete features leave things unrefreshed, but we’re working to resolve them. Would you still want to see a refresh button once they’re resolved? I’m interested to know if there’s some use case I’m overlooking.



  • I’m using Brave as my browser, and I have a TR Calendar Window always open
  • I do a ride on my trainer (or outside), which is in the Pain Cave - different computer than the one with the TR calendar window open
  • I finish the ride, come upstairs and check my TR calendar - the ride doesn’t show up until I refresh my browser window

Click on the START banner at the start of each plan used to give you the opportunity to change the plan ( increase from MV to HV for example) and change the days of training, similar to when initally setting up the plan from scratch. Would be useful to have that back

We’re working on some separate improvements to how we schedule and edit plans, so this is temporarily disabled on the new calendar until that work is complete (hopefully very, very soon!) For now, you can still make plan updates via the apps.

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The scenario you just described should automatically refresh your calendar with the new data. I personally think if you need to do it manually, that’s something we should fix with a feature improvement, not something we should make you fix by clicking a button.

This is on the list of future improvements.

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I’ve had to press the browser refresh button at times too. Usually because of things like having the calendar open on my laptop whilst doing a workout or making changes on my phone that don’t get refreshed. But I personally think that when the below issues are fixed, the refresh button probably wouldn’t be necessary:

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Here’s the exact scenario in the flesh:

  • I finished today’s workout at ~2:11pm PT
  • After showering, browning roast to put in the oven for dinner to braise, I checked my TR calendar, and today’s workout is not showing up - see the below screenshot taken at ~2:50pm PT
  • So if the TR calendar is supposed to auto-update with completed workouts, it isn’t for me
    I’m using Brave browser on my M1 mac, and I’m on MacOS 15 and the latest version of Brave

Wow, Improved Calendar looks amazing. Nice work


For screen widths narrower than 960 columns, the left sidebar could be hidden, revealed by a right arrow to the right of the “Today” button. Or, could we have the calendar drop into a linear mode, similar to legacy operation?


Potential Bug? When I click on a workout, the workout details pop up in the drawer. If I then scroll down and select an alternate workout, a second drawer opens up with details about the alternate ride, however the Description of the alternate ride is the description from the original ride, not the alternate.

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