🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Great catch! This works for me too. Thank you!

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The team is working on this very issue right now (amongst others). We hope to have improvements to stage races rolled out in several days.

Potential bug or feature: The week numbering.

If you are on a plan it shows the week number of the stage of the plan otherwise it shows the actual week number for the year.

I’ve learned to use the week numbers of the year, so it kind of throws me to be in like July and the week number says 5. Would probably make more sense to overlay well-of-the-plan if it’s even necessary.

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Good feedback here, we’ll do some thinking on how we can make this clearer.

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Good catch!

Thanks team. I’m guessing they’re one of the more complicated events to incorporate, logically. Look forward to retrying in a bit.

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Thanks, by ”fixed” I understand that to mean “fixed position” and these orphans of a recurring event can’t be drag n dropped. Currently.

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Hi guys, I’m finding this bug:

You can see that on Homers Nose -1 the workout level says “unknown”, it goes away after I reload, but every time I pick an alternative or change a workout from inside to outside it comes back.

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Our engineers reproduced and found the cause of this one and are working on a fix.


Good catch, we’ll check this one out tomorrow.

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Currently on my browser (Firefox / Win 10), calendar shows the basic structural layout for about two seconds, then the TSS chart is filled in, then about a third of a second later the calendar is populated with grey rectangles in lieu of my workouts & the “checking for adaptations” bubble pops up from the bottom, which changes to “no adaptations required”, then very quickly the whole calendar disappears, like so:

Something broken, or did I just happen to catch the servers in the middle of an update?

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Same here. Google Chrome.

I am having the same issue this morning, I go to career, it starts loading and I see the TSS thing at the top and the red adaptations box, then it just goes blank:

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This please! Otherwise I’m really loving the new calendar!


Not just me then ! (Edit Microsoft Edge)

Also here, on Chrome

Thanks for the heads up – we’re looking into this now.


me too, except it only does it if i scroll up, if I don’t do anything or scroll down it’s fine!

Is it intended to remove the Training Stress page out of Career? If not, are you going to uplift some of the beta elements to show on that page? Very much like the purple training plan across the bottom

We aren’t planning on removing the career page TSS chart. Bringing over the new calendar’s features is a great suggestion :+1:.