🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Feature Suggestion: If I have AI FTP Detection enabled in my profile, then add an annotation on my calendar indicating when I can next run AI FTP Detection. This would be in addition to the countdown in the app.

My thinking: I’m tracking (or trying to) AI FTP Detection vs. mFTP vs. my set FTP in WKO5 every 4 weeks, and right now I manually set a reminder on my calendar, but I have to remember to keep adding this for future detections.


OMG scrolling up and down through my calendar doesn’t cause it to skip about anymore. This is awesome!!!


The euphoria last 7 minutes. When putting a plan on the calendar it keeps starting it a week earlier than I’ve selected. Then I couldnt delete the plan :frowning:

Glad to see the improvements! Two things so far, in the 10 min I’ve been playing with it:

The off road section for events doesn’t have XCO as an option. The only XC is marathon:

And when adding a stage race using the side drawer, the calendar doesn’t show anything for any stage but the first. Just a black bar across the top. I tried reloading the calendar and there was no change.



Don’t fret. This is why the calendar is in beta—so we can nail down these bugs. I haven’t seen either of these before, but we’ll look into them and get them sorted out.

Can you describe what is happening when you try to delete your plan? I am successfully able to delete plans from my calendar this morning without any issue. Was it a cycling or triathlon plan?


Hi I am now finding this bug for an adaptation.

If I look at it from a phone it says Neige to Red Rock, which seems feasible, but on a computer it says rest day 0:00:00, but still show the stats from Red Rock?!

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I’ve not read everything in here, but I’m really hoping that when you select an alternate training session it actually replaces the one you had originally, rather than having to add it to the calendar then delete the original. Been a long term annoyance of mine with the calendar.

This is what it does! But for me, this is also what it does on the old calendar … :thinking:


Its always replaced it

Maybe in the app, has never worked for me in the website. Possibly because I go through and look at the workout fully rather than selecting from the intermediate screen.

Whenever you choose the “replace” button either in the app or in the browser the workout your looking at replacements for is automatically replaced with your new choice. It sounds like your not going through the workout replacement method but perhaps just choosing a new and different workout.

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Is incompatability with iPhone new today? I think I’ve been using my iPad until today.

No its been the same from day 1. Its mentioned a couple of times at the earlier posts. Its all smartphones.

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Works for me on my Samsung A32 (1080×2400 screen) IF i tell the browser to select the desktop version of the website. Opening webpages on my phone defaults to mobile browser, which also shows the message on your screenshot. TR calendar is probably checking for which mode the browser is in. Try loading the calender, then setting the phone’s browser as desktop mode. Also you need a screen width of 960 columns or more, otherwise, try in landscape mode, but display could be cramped with only 960 lines as well, especially if the browser is auto-scaling.

(OT: Makes me wonder what we did in the Windows 3.xx days when 800×600 was the highest resolution available on some desktops. :rofl: Also I remember fiddling with the Win95 registry to allow 320×200 × 256 colors, i.e MCGA. It was laughable how unusable it was.)

Yeah, I don’t get the replace button when I click through to view the workout. Only add.

are you looking at workout alternatives or the workout library?

I see what you mean now. The good news is you don’t need to click out of the Alternates list and go to the individual workout’s details page with the new calendar. We now show you a full preview of the alternate in the drawer, including its description, alongside that of the original workout you’re replacing.

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Good stuff. Thanks.

Calendar looks great. Is there any chance for some indicator to differentiate between a training plan workout and adhoc (TrainNow/manually added TR workout)?


Interesting suggestion. We’ll add it to the list to consider!

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