🎉📆🎉 New Early Access Feature: Improved Calendar (Beta)🎉📆🎉

Great to extend this to also indicate if:

  • an alternate is manually chosen
  • Adaptive training made a change
  • Sync’d from another site (e.g., TrainingPeaks)
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  1. Bumped into a problem with Copy Week: just copied a bunch of (completed) weeks from last year to this year, and it seems to move the copied workouts back by one day (so Monday’s w/o in the source gets copied to the Sunday before the Monday in the target week, etc.).

  2. Right-click Copy Note doesn’t seem to work at all - nothing happens when selecting the option. Has this already been flagged?

Also feature request: it would be really useful (& time saving!) if there was an option within Copy/Move Week to also copy/move Notes that are present in the week being copied/moved. Copying/Moving these manually yourself (due to problem 2. currently having to do this copying by opening the Note and copying the text to the paste buffer, then using this text to create a new Note on the target date :yawning_face:) can take an age if, like me, you use descriptive annotations extensively for weeks and workouts.

There is no option to delete the Base MId Volume plan i placed on my calendar at all. No option to delete is shown when I click on the plan name in my calendar and no option in the career page either.

Both of these are known issues we’re working on :slight_smile:

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Can you confirm you’re not seeing the delete button I’ve highlighted here? This should be present in the drawer when you click on your plan. If it’s not there, we’ll take a look and see what’s going on.

In the “old” calendar there is a way to edit a specific training block in a Plan Builder training plan to a different type (e.g General Base → Polarized):

In the new calendar I do not see a similar option:

Am I missing it? If not will this be on the new calendar?

All Training Plan edits (besides deleting your plan) are temporarily disabled in the new calendar as we wait for another new feature to be released. Stay tuned…


Can’t wait for that new feature!

Still noticing that run TSS isn’t updating. It’s calculated in the workout, but not on the total section. I can work around this, but this appears to affect my 6 week rolling average and thus will it have an impact on RLGL?

An engineer has started working on this bug today, but it is a display issue only and is exclusive to the new calendar. RLGL is not impacted and will be the same on both calendars.

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I am unable to drag and move around Strength Sessions - needing to go into it and change the date. While not 100% certain I thought we could do this on the old calendar…sorry if someone else already mentioned this.

Great catch. Thanks!

Loving the new calendar thanks

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It would be really helpful if you kept your first post in this thread updated with:

  • New features / enhancements with the date they are added

Deleted the “known issues” request, as I see this is in your first post


Good suggestion on updating with improvements/ new features.
What do you mean by “Deleting the known issues request”?

As I was writing this, I originally had another bullet point asking you to keep updating your known issues list. But I checked your 1st post in this thread after I posted my request, and saw that you are updating the known issues, so I deleted the bullet with the ask for you to do it. Unfortunately, formatting doesn’t support cross-out text, so I just added a comment saying I deleted the “please keep the known issues list up to date”. Does this make sense?

Got it! It sure does. I haven’t updated it since last week but will do so later today. And to prevent you from needing to scroll back up, maybe I should post an update every few days in the thread with current known issues and recent improvements? That might keep things a little more legible.


Strikeout text can be done with HTML coding by placing it between < s > & < / s > (remove the spaces).

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New Calendar status update:

I’m keeping the list of known issues and bugs updated in the original post, but it’s tedious to scroll up, so here’s an update as of Monday evening 9/23:

Current Known Issues (Updated 9/23)

Note: this list is not exhaustive and doesn’t include all small items and edge cases.
The calendar beta does not support small mobile device screens, but it may work for some tablets in landscape orientation. It does not yet officially support non-English language settings.

General Performance

  1. Chrome-based browsers (including Chrome, Edge, and Brave) can experience degraded scrolling performance when the TSS graph is open.

TSS Chart:

  1. Several small improvements and bug fixes are needed for hovering and clicking chart elements
  2. Future TSS trendline is missing
  3. Hover state displays under some calendar annotations

Calendar days

  1. Second activities on the same day sometimes show less information
  2. TSS is not displayed for some non-cycling activities
  3. Rest Days are not clickable
  4. Runs and hikes are displayed as “Other”
  5. Workout difficulty may show “unknown” after toggling inside/outside


  1. Adaptations may persist after deleting a training plan
  2. Suggested adaptations can cause a display bug for calendar in background

Right-Click menu

  1. “Copy” doesn’t work for calendar annotations (notes, time off, etc)
  2. Changing color of annotations is very slow
  3. Training Plans don’t have a right click state

Week Totals column

  1. TSS from some activities is not being included
  2. Swim distance is not being included


  1. Training Plan “Edit Plan” button is temporarily disabled
  2. Training Plan volume sometimes displays incorrectly
  3. Some workout filters are missing or are not applied correctly
  4. Editing recurring activities is buggy and needs improvement.
  5. RPE response can’t be changed from the drawer and may display incorrectly
  6. Rides without power lack expected notification banners
  7. Drawer may display wrong title for associated outside ride
  8. “Associated workout” item needs bug improvements
  9. Completed activities associated with events show incomplete drawer.
  10. Alternates for outside workouts may show wrong data when selected
  11. Runs are not showing a pace line on their details graph

Recent Improvements and Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when associating/disassociating workouts via right-click
  • Fixed a bug where plan builder would not use the date selected on the calendar to build a new plan
  • Fixed an bug with display of completed and planned TSS, Duration, and Distance
  • Fixed a bug preventing planned workouts from being swapped between inside / outside from the drawer
  • Fixed a bug that could result in a white screen or prevent the weekly totals column from loading
  • Fixed a bug where the FTP line in the workout graph was mistakenly using the workout’s TSS

Coming soon:

We have a ton of significant improvements in progress that should be rolling out in the coming days. These include performance improvements, fixes for bugs affecting Alternates, Walks, and Stage Races, and functionality upgrades for the drawer. I’ll keep you all posted as they roll out!


Little UI consistency suggestion:
Wouldn’t it make sense to have the “import activity” function as an option in the “add to calendar” slider instead of having it somewhere completely separate in career => past activities.

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