To me, it seems that far too many choose high volume, or add far too much training at the top of their training plan and does not take into account stress outside of training . Not that it is necessarily the plans themselves that are the problem.
I believe that there will always be user error, but that RLGL will help reduce it and that it can be a useful feature for the vast majority of users.
Sustainable plan would still be susceptible to “user error”
To me, it seems that far too many choose high volume, or add far too much training at the top of their training plan and does not take into account stress outside of training . Not that it is necessarily the plans themselves that are the problem. I believe that there will always be user error, but that RLGL will help reduce it and that it can be a useful feature for the vast majority of users.
Of course, but usually the culprit is intensity, not low intensity volume.
So in my head, you have to approach the issue of TR users burning themselves out from two sides, where I think that intensity reduction is the first step.
They talked about it a little on the last podcast, and the majority of burnouts they’ve seen are people that add intensity to the plan. They keep saying it. They’ve been saying it since I started watching podcasts several years ago. They made whole new Master’s plans with less intensity. They’ve reduced the intensity of their plans in the last 6 months or so. At some point, the subscriber needs to have a little self-awareness and take a little responsibility for their health.
But either way, assuming the RLGL does what it’s supposed to, if you’re only doing 3 TR workouts a week, and your performance tells the model that you are getting buried then it will give you the warnings, and you can decide if maybe you should switch to a master’s plan.
@Nate_Pearson I’m also curious about what my data says even though I’ve never gotten to burnout. I did have a situation a few weeks ago where I couldn’t use my trainer while waiting for a new power supply. During that time I skied a bunch and then my next sweetspot workout was a disaster.
Agreed, but putting this into practice is much easier said than done as it’s hugely subjective. Bike training and racing is hard, and those who do well at it invariably have an enormous ability to suffer. Figuring out when it’s ok to push through and when you need to dial it back is really hard and takes time and experience. So having an objective data point that can support making those decisions should help a lot of people make the right call more of the time. My assumption is that similar to HRV, Garmin recovery advisor and body battery, and all those other data points that it will still be a judgement call, but at least a better informed one!
It would be amazing, if this could take into account training other than cycling/running. Maybe even in a very simplistic way.
I don‘f really think it would have to be more complicated than putting down the activity and if a session left you fatigued (e.g. „not at all“, „a little“, „quite“ and „shattered“).
I don‘t think intensity x time necessarily carries well outside of endurance work and also can overcomplicate things. E.g. if I go bouldering, there might be a lot of max efforts in there, but it‘s easier to choose overall stress than intensity.
@Nate_Pearson … How does it know if a run is ‘hard’ or ‘easy’. Some of my easy runs might be v hard for other people and equally some people might find my ‘hard runs’ very easy?
You could have a small gauge image on the corner of the calendar indicating your level of fatigue. Clicking on the image would bring a pop-up detailing each zone/color and possible consequences if you continue with the scheduled workout or ride. Maybe also suggesting rest or z2.
You’re free to share. I’m interested to see what it says.
Future request: Anyway TR can take some of my data from my Garmin Forerunner and pipe that into RLGL? (stress, HRV, sleep, etc?)
edit to add more context. I have work/life stuff on Tues, Weds which i use as rest days. Thurs is my easier day to signal the body to get going again. Monday has historically been a day a SS day to give the body a little extra stress under the foresight of, “i’m going into a 2 day recovery”
After reading a lot of the labels offered for this product, it maybe a better option to keep it as a part of Adaptive Training. Most of the names do not adequately describe the tool. They make it feel like it’s all acute and doesn’t call out the long term ramifications.
You are welcome to use my training-long time user and I know I have been burned out. Last year 2023 I had a hard MTN Bike race in Feb and repeat of the same course in March. I was completely wipe after the racing and it took a long time to return to some form of training. Looking back I bet I was over cooked going into the race.
Including running is awesome news, Nate - I was going to ask this exact question.
I’d be very keen to see how RLGL would’ve impacted my calendar and whether I’ve done too many ‘hard’ workouts when I’d have been better dialling it back. I’m pretty well accustomed to how I feel, but often validate that against HRV vs my baseline; it’d be interesting to see whether there’s any correlation between RLGL, HRV and ‘how do I feel’…
Awesome work - love the continued march towards the north east corner that TR is on!
This sounds great! Will it be forward looking also? If you have your planned ride/workouts/events on the calendar with estimated time and TSS, will it show show G,Y,R. in advance?
IMHO, I think if you call it anything, it should be self evident exactly what it is without further explanation. For example, either Fatigue Indicator or Readiness Score clearly states what it means. When you start getting cute with names it only adds to the confusion, particularly to new users. @Nate_Pearson
Hope to get in early RLGL as I’ve had curious ups and down using TR for 6 years. I’ve submitted the form to do so.
Burn Out Progression: End of 2019 (Oct); Most of 2020 (May and Aug); end of 2021 (Nov).
Felt really strong and had a breakthrough race in April 2021, then fell apart in May 2021. Curious how RLGL looked at that.
It would also be interesting to see how RLGL looked once I greatly increased my volume in July 2023 - Nov 2023. Felt my strongest and raced my best hitting serval All time PRs. Also increased volume Dec 2023 - Jan 2024. Again, with last week of Jan 2024 hit numerous All time PRs in only Base 1.
Hitting this from a different angle, since Nate likes “continuous improvement” stuff, this aligns with 5S stuff I learned for my workplace:
Kanban: (Kon Bon) In Japanese, kanban literally translates to “visual signal.” For kanban teams, every work item is represented as a separate card on the board. The main purpose of representing work as a card on the kanban board is to allow team members to track the progress of work through its workflow in a highly visual manner.
This new tool is pretty much a Kanban Board signal via the current Calendar implementation shown above.