What Beer are you enjoying?

How often do you score a beer 4 or above?

I only have a handful of beers above 4, I think……just curious what others do.

I personally don’t rate a beer if it’s below a 4. I appreciate that others do as it helps guide selection in new cities, but I don’t like dragging a rating down on a local brewer who’s trying new things. So for me, either high rating or none at all.


Yeah, I struggle with giving a beer a bad rating, especially if it is simply a style I don’t necessarily like.

But there are occasionally objectively bad beers and I rate them accordingly. :woozy_face:

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very rarely. 3.75 is a “good” beer I’d have again, 3.5 is an ok beer, lower than that I wouldn’t chose it again. 4 or higher for me is an amazing beer. Looks like Atomic Torpedo is the only one I’ve scored ?>= 4 this year

@kitenski is a tough grader!! I can only imagine what it takes to get a 5!! :rofl:

3.75 - 4.25 are all “very good” beers for me……3.25 - 3.75 are “good” beers and below 3 are “meh”

I have a few 4.5’s and a couple of 5’s…but the 5’s are largely saved for beers that have special meaning and / or places (i.e. an Old Style at Wrigley Field :sunglasses:). So ironically, my 5’s are often for some pretty run of the mill beers. :rofl:

I’ll have some of whatever Mads Pedersen, Danny van Poppel and Elia Viviani are drinking.

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Goose Island Neon Beer Hug. Beer is fine. It was this or Corona, as I am currently at the Barbie Cafe.

I have to say, this has been a far better experience than I had dared hope for. Came for my daughter, staying for the people watching. It’s a trip.

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no beer has a 5 yet, I live in hope! I also didn’t want to go 5 too early as then no where to go if I find the best beer in the world!

I’ve been on untappd since 2014, my highest score is 4.50 for Pliny the Elder “2017 at the Rose and Crown pub in Palo Alto!”

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I’m not on Untappd, sounds like a 5 point scale. I’ll load the app and give it a try.

Bought a Deschutes sampler 12-pack with Fresh Squeezed plus these 3 fine beers:

I liked this one, here is the rating on the side of the can:

This was as good or better:

by now you should be realizing I like tropical flavors like mango…

This was fine, not as much character as the two above:

Another good tropical IPA that I had a couple weeks ago:

My top two in this tropical category are:

  • Crooked Lane’s 1-2 Punch (Sacramento area microbrewery)
  • Fog Cutter from Humdinger Brewery (Arroyo Grande / San Luis Obispo).

I don’t think I could give any beer made in the US more than a 4 :joy:

Not enjoying, just yet, but trying not to drool on myself. Looking forward to trying this…


I’ve had a few I could see giving a 5 for, but probably less than three out there. A lot of 4.somethings though…

Y’all are right. Once you give out a 5, what happens when you find something ‘just a bit better’. 5+? 5.x? Put you into a potentially bad spot. :man_shrugging: :smile: :roll_eyes: :upside_down_face:

Totally get your point. I was more referring to the quality of US beer though honestly.

There are LOTS of European beers I’d say are 5 of 5.

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That is why all my 5’s are linked to experiences and not necessarily the actual beer.

An Old Style at Wrigley will always rank as a 5. :sunglasses:


Ok I created an account the other day but not loaded the app or looked around. Can I rate something a 4.8? Or is it integers only?

1/4 point increments……3, 3.25, 3.5, etc.

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Thanks. I would only hand out 4.75 to a small number of beers. No 5s.

I’d say Delirium Tremens, Fullers ESB, Schneiderweiss Aventunus, Reissdorf Kolsch are all 5/5. Just different styles, but effectively flawless.

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You have clearly never had an Old Style at Wrigley. :crazy_face:

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My first Delirium was a 5. For some reason, all the rest since haven’t had a great taste to them. It was from a ‘big city beer store’, and perhaps out on the sticks we just can’t get it fresh enough and properly treated.

Stone 25th, a 5. My first Founders KBS, 5. A ‘Dragon Breakfast’ drink in Jamaica (Dragon Stout and protein mix, fresh fruit), 5+. And so many great memories associated with average brews that jumped a few points…

Wine is life, but beer is proof that god loves us. :rofl: