What Beer are you enjoying?

Isn’t most ball park beer just totally great? (Saw the Tigers, and they were serving Oberon! They lost, but the beer was good)

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Just came up on the Shakespeare app I have on my phone. Good timing.


I recall some pretty mediocre beer in the Phoenix area during 2017 Spring Training. Especially when the Rangers played the Brewers. But watching my nephew sign autographs and pitch, definitely give that a 5.


The hard part is being objective, but since it’s primarily for a small group of people, and your personal opinion, bag it and rate it the way you feel. If I was paid for my opinions, I’d have surely been burned at the stake long ago. Party on Garth. :+1:

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Mike Hess has always gotten a lot of love from the local beer snobs but the beers they put out have never done it for me. I mean they’re good but I like unique variants and Hess tends to execute particular styles without much differentiation (imo, at least). This Hazy is no different, a perfectly fine beer but no “wow!” factor. It did pair really well with some Mexican food, tho.


Setting certainly matters.

I have 2 breweries that are super local. 1 has decidedly better beer. The other it a very offbeat place with regular events…murder bingo, etc.

Actually both are great. The one with the better beer is more family friendly, closer, and throws regular blockparties with facepainting, bands, etc. probably why I go there more these days…

I was at one of their locations last weekend when I was in SD for business….I would agree with your assessment. Good beers but nothing that struck me as extraordinary….the setting however, was excellent.


lol, yeah, I hear you. Party on Wayne :+1:

Thats my CA, can’t wait for a trip to the central coast in a few weeks for some gravel and great food and seeing daughter #1.


Were you in town for the “big storm” aka Hilary? Did you do any riding while you were in SD?

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No, the weekend before….did manage a couple of rides, one of which went up around Lake Murray. Dunno if they were the greatest routes in the world, but they worked.

Yeah, there’s some great riding in SD but I wouldn’t include the Lake Murray area on the list of places to go… unless you’re an MTB’r and you’re riding Mission Trails, but even then, it’s not the greatest. Feel free to reach out if you’re ever back in town and I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction or invite you to join one of our rides.

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I forgot to take a picture yesterday but we popped into the Tap & Kitchen on our ride. The pub is associated with the next door micro brewery, the Nene Valley Brewery and I had a pint of this :


I went to their taproom in north park several months back and couldn’t agree more. Good beer but nothing to write home about.

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Great Adirondack Brewing Company Heavenly Hefe. Labeled as a German Hefeweizen, but it actually tastes more similar to a Hoegaarden. Regardless, very easy to drink


You’ve obviously earned your pint with a bike ride so enjoy.

But I think Madri is one of those marketing campaign beers. Nothing to do with Spain. Just marketing because that’s what they think appeals.

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11 of them according to Strava sauce
image :+1:

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Front Yard Party DIPA from Hop Butcher in Chicago…my favorite brewery continues to deliver regular excellence.


Mmm, that looks like a front yard party!

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The Front Yard Party was last night’s bevy……I just cracked this one.

Tuna Pale Ale from Half Acre….a bit of a Chicago area staple. Always consistently good.