What Beer are you enjoying?

Artichoke dip and bread/crackers!

I did the European gravel championships last weekend in Belgium and managed to get home a couple of good Belgian beers.


North Park Beer Co. Quadruple Hazy IPA 15% ABV
Had this on tap at a local restaurant and it was the best beer I’ve had in recent memory!

If you like Hazy IPAs and see this beer, just buy/order it and thank me later.

Another solid choice; IMO, not as good as Harland or Abnormal but right up there.

Not terrible but won’t be buying this one again


Currently in Taiwan, so of course I always have a Taiwan Beer when I am here….simply an awful beer, but when I first started coming here many years ago, it was literally the only beer you could get…so I always have one now. :man_shrugging:

The next night we went to a surprisingly good BBQ joint…they do a great job smoking their meats. Had this pretty decent IPA.


So I dodged a bullet? I asked for a Maximus, and got something else at a flaky local bar. They are known for being ‘sketchy’, and excelled as usual (and the waitress completely disappeared too). It was a required social engagement, and I did my duty. I was still curious of Maximus. I haven’t seen it at any local beer stores for some reason (quality control?).

Is it to brash? Too hoppy? Bitter? (I gotta know now! :upside_down_face:)

Just a fan of the poster…

Support the Potato Ambassador!


Can’t wait to get those Belgians back into the rotation, mate, alongside some crispy frites as well.

Too brash might be a good way to describe it… I’m not good at describing beers and their subtle flavor notes, I just know if I like something or not. Personally, I bounce back and forth between West Coast IPAs and Hazy IPAs, so I’m not turned off by bitterness. As an example, I recently picked up a 6-pack of the notoriously bitter Stone Delicious IIPA and thought it was, well, delicious. When I bought the Maximus, I was at a store with a limited craft beer selection and had pretty good memories of Lagunitas from past experience so I gave it a try. However, when I tried it, it reminded me of a cheap $8/6-pack IPA I picked up years ago; not nearly as bad but a similar flavor profile. I dunno, there are some beers that I look forward to, and then there’s the Maximus that has been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks now with no real interest in having another.


I may or may not have a baby blue baseball cap with a pink trunk and ears on it


Stone Delicious, bitter? I think my tongue is hooked on hops and IPAs.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stone’s FML, a ‘West Coast IPA’. It’s kind of strong, but so tasty. I did actually love Sam Adams East Coast IPA too. I guess, on your recommendation, I’ll look for a single and see what Maximus does to my tongue. Hmm…

Try FML, if you haven’t. Yum, to me…

Went to Jolly Brewery and Restaurant last night….very good beers and great Thai influenced dishes (the grilled pork jowl is unreal!)

They don’t skimp on the pours for their flights…these were probably 6oz glasses. (Note - the Pilsner was not available, so they doubled up on the Pale Ale. )


Had one of these last night, tasty!


Well now we definitely have to take serious action on climate change

Just last night, had a Stone Delicious Citrus IPA, and bitter nails it. Too much grapefruit.

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They’ll just start growing hops under huge domes. :roll_eyes:

Met some friends at our local Prost Beer Hall and showing my support for the potato ambassador!

Sampled an ABT 12 St. Bernardus - a a Belgium Quad wowzers! Will get that next time I’m here.


Well we stayed and my arm was twisted.,


Celebrating getting g into the Marji Gesick for 2024. Reminiscing and looking ahead!


Apponaug Brewery in Warwick, RI……

Choices were

Foolish fire
First Due
Meander Through
Occasional Disruption

I then followed that up with another taster of the Weathering Steel. The first 4 were excellent, the WS was meh.


Found this last week. The second local brewery that did a Märzen -and- was in the grocery store. Tasty.